Burton Posey

Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

“Time to sell some pro-PAIN.”

As someone who skateboarded for many years i much prefer Skate.

I get my wizard hat and robe.

It’s not a jacket, it’s a robe, and I’m leaving the wizard hat on.

Take Off Your Pants and (Green) Jacket

I need a Lost Odyssey 2. Not want, neeeeeeeeeeeed. What a gem that game was.

I’m not at all a Jeb guy, but that was just heart-breaking.

This is the saddest Afterschool Special preview I think I’ve ever seen.

Hey, it’s a free country, I can’t legally stop you from fucking yourself, can only tell you it’s a bad idea that will lead the country to unimaginable strife.

A lot of their pre-Overwatch samples of course look nothing like Overwatch *or* the final Paladins game. Yes, hookshots have been in a lot of games, but your particular use of it in first person with a particular class looks and plays a LOT like the Overwatch class and they seemingly have no proof that that art,

I’ll take mine scattered, smothered, and chunked. Old fashioned head trauma, it's tanfastic.

“Guys, let’s not rush to judgement.”


Wow, I really like this stuff. It’s a nice change of pace from the dystopian / military / etc look of so much concept art.

When next week’s post about the Echo trailer arrives on Kotaku, don’t forget that the previous Stephen Totilo comments on the Echo blogpost will be coming after you as well. It’s up to you - and you alone - to make another Stephen Totilo Echo post comment that can defeat the previous Stephen Totilo Echo post comments.

I’m crying on the toilet, and I didn’t even have Chipotle yesterday.

Videogame development in a big, harsh, rotten nutshell: