
Worst Fleshlight ever.

Which is also why China has no high speed rail, it just can’t be done. Hopeless. No point in trying.

But your example goes back to the question of accountability that you raised. The contractors who are profiting from the work see no incentive to reduce their costs or stick to the budget because they won’t be held accountable for overruns.

A more honest system would require setting aside money to treat injuries and develop technologies to help the soldiers who will come back.

Modern American capitalism looks at this man and sees a burden, a non-productive member of society. They would not research this technology, would not fund it’s development and never offer it as a product.

“...but there’s a lot in the background that I can’t do.”

If one didn’t stop watching after the torture and mutilation of Theon I find it hard to understand why this is so much worse as to cause one to do so.

This was me as a kid, before anyone realized I was near-sighted.

Are you kidding? How could anything be more appropriate than “metal” for a soundtrack?

UPDATE: It's good.

It's a lot easier to pick off state legislators. They are cheaper for the lobbyists to pay off.

As someone who was a marginal Daredevil fan as a kid this is hitting all the right notes in my memory. Bruised, never clean shaven, the bandanna thing, Stick's appearance in the other trailer and D'Onfrio as Wilson Fisk just looks like it is perfect. Visually they have all the right elements. If the story and acting

As to whether producing more or using less.... why not both? In the short term is is much easier to change crops. Long term efforts to produce more water may eventually allow those crops to grown again.

Annnd now I want to go an watch the Wire all over again.

Michael Jackson eat your heart out. That is the moonwalk.

Icelanders attracted to how stylish the african americans were is what I was told. This by an Icelandic woman, so I assume she would know.

The trade off. You may be severely bruised, but the bullet won't penetrate and bounce around inside you tearing up tissue and causing bleeding. I assume that by "stretches further" they mean before it breaks and allows the bullet in.

Having spoken to an Icelander recently I would discount your theory. They are keenly aware of their lack of genetic diversity and some of them are quite keen on the "mixed race" babies that have been born there. The result of Icelandic girls visiting the US and cavorting with the local "exotic" people there and then

Does this include a proposal for a departmental name change. Because Justice seems to be further and further away from their work.

Annnd, it's over.

Annnd, it's over.