
Exactly my thought... You’d think they’d either lock the PC’s behind a glass cabinet ( still visible to the public but inaccessible to anyone but the staff ) or simply not enable ( hook up ) any front panel USB ports and keep the rear ones used for the mouse / keyboard out of reach via a lockable panel and in plain

Even if you brought your own gear, you may still need to install software, and you will definitely need to install, access, or otherwise load your profiles for the hardware you are using. So there is always the opportunity to abuse installing or running malicious software. Hell, you could have a software backdoor

There is a reason why games like this are available as a pre-load up to a week in advance. Turn on your systems, check for download opportunities, or buy physical and reduce the time it takes to install the software and download all available patches.

Anyone who buys this game is doing the industry as a whole a disservice. Studios like Bethesda should not be rewarded for releasing unfinished games.

In practice it’s very similar to the explorer bars on the PS3 and PSP homescreens

I dunno, at some point I do think it’s OK to say “this game gave me hundreds of hours of content, and a lot of free post-release DLC, maybe it’s OK that it’s winding down.” They’re almost assuredly working towards a G-rank release of some kind, maybe they’re content with letting the game kind of wind down then have

There is BigWigs, but I’m not sure if that’s even still around.

Also, I’m eyerolling at these guys saying you don’t need it and that it’s a crutch. Okay, fine. It’s a crutch. But you know what? I don’t live in WoW. I play it a couple hours a week and raid with my friends. I’m not devoting my life to it anymore. So if I

Doesn’t this tool have the opposite effect? This thing is an easy mode, which beat the idea of the end game challenge.  The battle designers should find a way to mess up with it so you get beaten easily when running it

I think one would rise to fill the gap idk if his code is open source but the demand would be filled pretty quickly i think. That’s not to say this guy is unimportant or anything but there’s way way way too many players that someone wouldn't fill the need somehow. Who knows, though, honestly. It definitely wouldn’t be

Sadness. Vita was by far the greatest piece of portable gaming hardware ever made. Hell, in many ways it’s still technologically superior to the Switch and had so much damn potential. Oh well.

Ctrl F - United Kingdom

A week before KH3... God Dann it Namco...

Bullshit, Brian, you’re not fooling me. I know exactly what those are.

I agree, Sony really don’t much thought into their designs. Too much red, not enough blue, and the design only looks decent when standing. They totally slept on the controller too, it’s just too plain to be related to Spider-man. If it wasn’t for the giant spider, I would think this was just a Target exclusive.

Disclaimer: I am just talking about Jessica Price here, the other episodes of harassment are shitty and unacceptable and I am NOT pro-gamergate here.

Two Guild Wars 2 narrative designers, Jessica Price and Peter Fries, were fired after Jessica attacked a well-established community member for asking a questions, shouted sexism, and refused to back down. This led people to dig into her Twitter page and realize she frequently posts opinions that ArenaNet does not

Fun fact; in much of the UK the term “fag” means a cigarette

My dude, Deroir is one of the most respected content creators in the GW2 community. He’s also an official Arenanet partner and has an NPC named after him. Definitely not “some rando asshat” - he was respectfully bringing up a legit criticism that a lot of people in the community have had with the game’s writing, and

Taking the original twitter spat alone, her behavior was ridiculous. She posted a multi-tweet essay, essentially, to a public space. Someone respectfully commented on that essay and she began passively insulting him.