
I've been searching for a video of this forever and can't find it. I want to know what all the fuss is about!

"Uncomfortable" doesn't begin to describe it. "Horrific" would be good...

Job search advice: When you apply for jobs in other cities, should you use an local address? I live right outside philly, but am applying to jobs in philly, dc, pittsburgh, and other locations around the northeast. I know at least one person in these city. Should I use their addresses when applying to jobs in

You're sooooooooo rrrriiiighhhhtttt!!!! I saw her perform with Mo Collins and someone else at a comedy show and her energy is incredible.

Did you see him do the Nerd HQ thing? Casually, scarily smart, fluent French (his Italian is pretty awful and the jury's out on his Spanish), witty and earthy——and totally different from some of his goofier moments. Really interesting.

Yeah, um....what was I saying? May as well give in to total cliché, right?

Better check out the picture I posted, then.

I have a guy friend who is completely baffled as to why Hiddles is the panty whisperer more than Hems. "But doesn't he look...snivelly?" I wish he could have heard my laugh all the way out where he was.

THIS. yes. it's the way "ho" is used so casually and friendly that's problematic.

Her Whitney/Bobby bits were some of the best parts of Mad TV. Right up there with Will Sasso's Kenny Rogers. Also, her tattoos are bad ass as hell.

Get that normal ass looking baby outta mah face. I expected so much more than some normal ass, adorable, run-of-the-mill cute baby.

I must add: that .gif!

Those eyes! That smile! Team Loki!!!!!!!

Reminds me of when I got an avalanche male online outrage for preferring Tom Hiddleston to Chris Hemsworth.

Next up on Jezebel: Jenny tweeted that Eric was fucking gay but Eric says that Jenny's a whore who gave David head during the homecoming game

I've been gray for a couple of months, for pissing off Jessica Coen. Yet another reason why I'd rather set my money on fire than give it Jezebel* (though Jessica's unbelievably tone-deaf, self-pitying post about her decision to promote and pay Hugo Schwyzer and give him a home here despite his years of misogyny and

Endearing? Everything this woman does rubs me the wrong way. Even this makes me like her so much less than I already do (If that's even possible). She is essentially the embodiment and apotheosis of #solidarityisforwhitewomen. Just look at karie lou who's comment to this article.