She said: 'The doctors seem to think I have a curvature of my spine and that it's the length and the weight of my hair that's making me curve.
She said: 'The doctors seem to think I have a curvature of my spine and that it's the length and the weight of my hair that's making me curve.
Hey Laura - I've had two threads I started on GT shared onto the main page (both in one week!) and have comments recommended by Jez authors and black commenters often! I was lamenting about my grey status and was poked to maybe just ask about it.
I love book questions! My answer would be Octavia Butler's Kindred (although honorable mention to Lilith's Brood). It was the first time that I saw a black, female protagonist in a science fiction story and that was so wonderful and validating. It's about a woman who keeps jumping back in time to her slave-owner…
I really needed to read this. Thank you for saying it. Excellent advice. I can feel like such a loser from time to time and this just great to read. You have a great heart.
Trinis represent!
Yeah seriously. I just had to move back home, and while I appreciate that I have a mom who let's me do that, it's really not easy. When I find a job most of the money I make will go to paying off my student loans and saving so I can move out - not exactly living the high life. And beyond that, while my mom can be…
My family is West Indian (Caribbean). Traditionally people live with their parents until marriage. I have a cousin who is 33 and married and still lives with her mom. Although my mom did buck the trend and bought her own house by the age of 24. Personally I have no clue if I'll live with my mom after college. It all…
I'm 21, just graduated college, and am living with my parents before I go back to school for at least another 6 years. I don't even care. I love living at home, and my parents love having me home. It's not like I'll be living at home forever, and I have a job right now so I can pay for most of my own things. Their…
It's so interesting how good home lives are assumed in these kind of articles. I recently moved back home since I still haven't landed a job post-grad-degree. I moved back to an abusive situation, one that makes me depressed and suicidal at times. It was not an easy decision, but with my debt and my employment…
Hell, as we speak my thirty year old behind is riding around with my mom doing our monthly bulk grocery shopping. Though, my mother doesn't ever want me to move out. I do not see the big deal. I love her. She loves me. I pull as much weight as she allows me to. I will hopefully be getting married in about a year or so…
I am so very tired of this discussion. How is there anyone out there who is not?
He did not apologize and he's a racist. Look at this look at the tweets and you'll see he was not trying to have a nuanced discussion. He was praising Bloomberg's op-ed in the Post and saying it is a great policy. He did not use activist judge in a jokey way. He called her a "hack." And, here's someone rightly calling…
Except that the tweet was a declarative statement of strong advocacy, & in no way phrased as a conversation-starting question. And he can't possibly be stupid enough not to know that Twitter is not a venue for nuanced discussion. But yeah, whatever, it's a non-dickish backpedal.
"I guess it's a lot easier and safer to be an armchair activist and whine....than get your hands dirty and scar your mind by working with refugees or actual rape victims in a shelter."
As a survivor and person behind one of the tweets featured, I take offense to the assertion that online activism means you aren't active in creating change outside of the Internet. Unless you know me or my life, you don't have the right to make assumptions about how I use my voice or time for positive change.
I swear, we black women are just the brunt of every joke. The bottom of the barrel. We are whores and mammy's. Fat, ugly and snappy. It's bad enough that the world seems fine in believing this but it sucks that black men jump on the bandwagon to perpetuate it. This is just sad. My ancestors lived a life that you can't…
"Not that you're going to eat those delightful little lard-filled butter bombs, mind you! That's for fat people! No, you're going to ask your driver to take them down to the nearest soup kitchen, where he's to light them on fire in front of dozens of hungry children. You'd do it yourself, but you need time to grab a…
Wow, I didn't think anything could miss the point worse than Great Gatsby-themed parties or The Help-themed cookware.
So, this is tangentially related. I marathoned all the episodes awhile back, but have also been following the recaps on Autostraddle. And one of the most recent ones about "Fucksgiving" made me think really hard. And I wanted to share, in case anyone else hadn't seen it and/or thought about it. I'm practically a…
Honestly, when I was watching, all I could think about was how much more I would enjoy the show if Piper, her fiancee, and her girlfriend were not in it. I found all of them boring at best but mostly insufferable. Can we just make the lead Suzanne already?