Yea, he's really pissing me off lately. I used to like him, but I guess the fame got to his head.
Yea, he's really pissing me off lately. I used to like him, but I guess the fame got to his head.
Well thankfully he doesn't have a daughter; his attitude could really mess with a young girl's head...wait...he does? Oh fuck.
Seriously Kevin Hart has been going in on black women for a while now, so it was only a matter of time before he "crossed over"...
Yeah, I def think it's fair to critically examine how men determine women's "datability" or "fuckability" as terrible patterns of misogynist judgement. Buuuuut, this comment seems particularly innocuous to me. I mean, drawing a line between smart girls as worth dating and dumb girls as only worth fucking is definitely…
It's absolutely been acknowledged.
Exactly! Expressing one's sexuality at the expense of other women is not feminist in my book. Cyrus doesn't get a pass for objectifying women just because she happens to be female herself. Also, can we talk about the subtle racism of these type of op-eds, which is that no one gets into a moral outrage about these…
Every time I see a feminist response to Miley which doesn't include commentary about the racist nonsense she displayed, I have to wonder what kind of feminism that writer really represents. I know some are annoyed by the fact that we are still talking about this, but I don't care. As a black woman, I don't have the…
Yeah, because Obama is a dictator. Wait...
I swear to god, if I see any high-heels, I will be sorely disappointed. I remember seeing the first pictures of Catwoman in the Christopher Nolan movies and being really pissed off that despite all the practical uses he's had for Batman's gear, Catwoman is still running around in heels.
And wouldn't that be amazing if the female superhero was black, meztizo, or Asain?! No? She needs to be white. Well. I tried it.
Yeah! I kept scrolling through the comments after each "Ryan Lochte is dumb HAHA" article, wondering if I was the only person feeling skeeved out - sure as hell felt like it at the time, at least. That article in particular was the one I was looking for because it was just so uncomfortable. Not only was one of this…
Yeah no kidding - that whole period of time when Jez was all over the "Ryan Lochte Sex Idiot" thing was super uncomfortable to me. Like, how is this okay? If this were a website of dudes talking that way about a female athlete ("She's so dumb! Good thing she's hot and has nice tits so at least she's still fuckable,…
Completely agree. I'm all about examining the underlying reasons for standards of attraction and widening the scope of what is considered desirable, but as far as expressing a partner preference goes, I'd say wanting someone intelligent isn't much of a sexist sin (your point about intelligence and classism is…
Yeah, that was definitely a serious comment and it's definitely only men who do that. -.-
His statement is simply a response to an interview question. He is NOT advocating a checklist for all women to follow. Nor does he ever say what women are "supposed" to be.