
There's more on Gawker and Buzzfeed.

The last gif. tho!

I fucking hate that shit! Why does she keep doing that, it's looks like a big ass pick pickle hanging out her mouth. All the time she does it too. As if the "twerking" isn't bad enough.

Tofu is not amused.

Rich posted a gif of it on twitter...I think it's all you need to know.

Someone's trying to swag jack JT...

I saw a brief bit of it, when she's humping a foam finger and Robin Thicke as Beetlejuice and the most black women I've ever seen on stage at the VMAs ever. I quickly changed the channel.

Is anyone watching this now? Was Miley's performance as horrible as ONTD is making it out to be?

That's awesome she's still cool with some of her costars. I've never seen her on stage, but I bet it was a treat to see.

Are you talking about listing information on a resume? I would either use your friends' information or leave it off and just put your email and/or phone number.

No I didn't watch it all the way through. I skipped to the part when he does his raptor impression! So cute. *Sigh* Why can't we clone him, everyone should have a Hiddleston in their life.

I mean it has nothing to do with the article, and I didn't think so many Hiddles fans would be out here and drop by, but it's all good. I didn't start it anyway. It's hard to focus on anything else with this man around. Swoon!

I feel so bad we totally thread jacked with Tom Hiddleston on here. Oh well.

Oh no. I wasn't assuming you did. I was saying that people don't need to think that they can find something beautiful (physical beauty or personality-wise) in everyone to see that placing a number value on someone based on looks, and using that as a means to measure their worth as a person isn't totally wrong.

Those hands! Mmmm. Oh the places they've been!

Imma be honest Thor as a movie was both fun and sucky. It was nice we got some 'female glaze' action going on, but it felt so rushed and when you looked at the scenes they cut, I wish they would have spent more time giving some backstory and build up Thor & Loki's relationship together and have Thor lose his memories

Do you have any good story recommendations from AO3? There's only so many times I can read Hiddle Me This.

That's what I really like about so intelligent but doesn't come off like he thinks he's above you. It's like he can read his audience really well and alters his personality to match the tone of an interview. I'd love to have some coffee and toffee pudding with that man.

Carroll's an asshole but I'll give it to him I was hooked on his podcast for a good two to three years. My favorites were with Jim Jeffries and Bob Odenkirk. When he started doing all those ads (yet I get ads are to help paid for the show) and the other podcasts and charging for that podcast app he has, I was done. I