
I don’t really care if you liked it or not. The fact you think the original was better though (for the childish reason that it doesn’t follow the manga) shows that in addition to being an insecure man child you have no taste. I can respect liking neither Brotherhood or the 2003 series more than I can liking the ‘03

Awwww. Did I hurt the widdle babies feelings?

Governments can’t make good use out of people like this. They’re far too high risk. Usually their best hope is the private sector but it requires they don't go so far that they can't reform. But this idiot has already committed a lot of major crimes and reoffended while out on bail. The government isn't going to want

For anyone curious Bicester is just pronounced Bister. No it doesn’t make sense.

This probably has less to do with changing things up and more to do with the fact that Martinet is 67. Characters are timeless, actors are not.

It’s likely an aggressive anti-smurfing measure. With the game going F2P it greatly lowered the barrier of entry for people making smurf accounts so requiring a grind to get into ranked probably alleviates that. It's definitely a bit too aggressive though.

Translation: “We could turn back the clock, we simply don’t want to.”

Even if you play more than one game it shouldn't really be an issue. I suspect a lot of people just keep a bunch of games installed that they aren't really playing.

Sony has had non proprietary user replaceable storage since the PS3. Vita was actually a step backwards in that regard. I think their logic was that people put up with it on the PSP so why not try it again with their next handheld. I also think it had something to do with the fact their proprietary memory cards were

More Cyberpunk vibes than Anthem. But yeah I’m generally wary of any game that’s hyped up too much these days. There’s a good chance it won’t live up to these lofty expectations. Especially when it’s from a studio who often releases games with a whole mess of bugs and whose last big project was Fallout 76.

One thing atheists and theists have in common is faith. It’s just directed differently. Theists have faith there is a god (or gods) and atheists have faith there isn’t. While you can poke a lot of holes in religion (like the various contradictions in holy books) atheists ultimately can’t prove the non existence of a

It’s only “limitless” in terms of storage space, and only then practically limitless rather than literally limitless since there are limits just not ones you’re really exposed to.

Brandon Sheffield’s piece is absolutely on point and well worth a full read.

Ah you’re insecure about your adulthood, that honestly explains a lot. You're a hoot.

So let me get this straight.

Can’t decide if this is a bad attempt at trolling or someone with this little taste could truly exist. Truly a conundrum for the ages.

Now playing

Angry? I’m not the one foaming at the mouth every time someone says something bad about a freaking movie. That’s nerd behaviour.

I think it’s a fair point. In a vacuum Overwatch 2 is not a terrible experience in its current state. There is nothing immediately wrong with the game. I don’t think it’s amazing and I didn’t get the same rush as I did in the earlier days of OW1 but it’s hard to call it a strictly bad game or say there’s anything

Sometimes the ancillary bullshit is relevant though. While the past history of the game may not directly reflect its current quality it does reflect what you can expect from it in future. Sure the train may still be fairly high up the hill, but if I can see it’s been heading downwards rather than upwards I want to