Ralph Wiggum

You've put up better in your mens rec league, no doubt.

Germans tend to be, well, Grammar Something-somethings.

These games always show just how far we are from being a Belgium or Germany. Still no idea of what to do offensively, often bad fundamentals like an inability to bring down the first touch, and a defense plan largely based on running as hard as possible to stop anybody. The team still gets by on great goaltending

I want to hug you, fartsguy. Will you let me hug you?

I gotta say, it fucking ALWAYS sucks losing but I am EXTREMELY proud of our team. Green and Yedlin look like the truth moving forward and they are 19 and 20, respectively.

I am bummed as hell for Howard. That was an INSANE performance in the face of almost certain doom. That was going out on your shield.

Now's the time to be miserable and feel sorry for ourselves

I don't know, me layed out on my carpet staring at the wall with tears in my eyes was close

Now I have to root for Costa Rica? After they whined about the snow game they wanted to keep playing?

You know what else would fucking wreck Wyoming's economy?! Environmental catastrophes caused by irresponsible business practices and ignoring warnings about the impending doom of climate change. Yes, climate change is unsettling because the UN says we're all in for plague, famine and war, but there is no such thing

This is why you do not jerk off with motor oil.

I SWEAR TO GOD...if the next article you post isn't about the breaking news on Dwight Howard fucking a 16 year old, I'm changing my Deadspin bookmark to Bleacher Report.

This is totally fake. If she was really in Australia, she'd have spun the other way.

But it turns out we're an Oligarchy.

this comment is all sorts of terrible

Sure, the guy looks bad, but you've selectively edited this video. If you let it run a few more seconds, it's clear that he turns and hands the ball to his hooker.

Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.