
Cool. Hopefully the script is smarter than it sounds!

I can't crack ageist jokes about these men, but damnit do I wish we lived in a world* where mature women ALSO teamed up as action heroes for big-budget summer blockbusters. Just with better scripts and some dignity, please.

*That's "IN A WORLD" as spoken in a Hollywood trailer voice-over, natch.

Too busy for Ghostbusters?

Uncanny. Your vagina looks like my vagina.

Also, this:

Straight up!

I am pretty much that parent to my own kids. They are delightfully normal.

Commenting for the snark has never served me well. But it is a lesson I've had to learn more than once.

Now, obligatory:

Steal Caity Weaver from Gawker and I'll be happy. I'm all the time looking for her articles, not finding them, then remembering "oh yeah she's over on Gawker, boo." I am lazy and want all my must-reads in one place.

You also never specified the "wealthy hand-to-mouth," which is rather telling. What, you don't think Bain only liquidated white collar jobs, do you? Or worse, you don't think only white collar grandpas deserve spending time with the kids? Because some of those who lost their jobs to Bain were "poor hand-to-mouth,"

No. Jobs were (and are) lost to Bain Capital's "creative destruction." Some of the people who've lost their jobs to Bain had insufficient safety nets. Some made financial mistakes. Making mistakes does not make these poor sods SOLELY responsible for their poverty now.

Sociologists and economists have found that it's


There is poor, and then there is middle class poor.

I do all the Money Mustache things, too. What I don't do is denigrate the poor for their poverty. Not everyone who is poor is poor because they've made bad decisions. It is pretty atrociously entitled to frame your thinking as such (even if it helps you, personally, to stay on the wagon) while ignoring all the other

No, the financial mistakes that poor people make are shared, reinforced, and straight-up caused by our fucked-up society that grants legal rights of personhood to corporations while stripping that status from homeless people (the poorest of our poor). Personal responsibility is a causal drop in the poverty bucket

That shit should be illegal.

Even if you have the knowledge and the resources, it's tough to pursue litigation because you are having/have just had a baby. Your attention is focused on any end of pregnancy issues, labor & delivery, and all-consuming newborn care. It's a bullshit situation from top to bottom.

[Edited to finish my thought. My baby

Even Darth Vader saved his own son.

Things that are demonstrably harder to do when you're poor:

1. Make financial decisions that are rational for long-term sucess.
2. Enjoy a good education.
3. Learn.