
A woman's right to make choices about her body rumps doctor's advice.

How is this any different from a cancer patient refusing chemo, or surgical removal of a malignant tumor? It doesn't matter if her doctor or if we (the public) think the cancer patient is being stupid in refusing treatment. It's still her right to

Perineal tearing is a risk with any vaginal birth, not just VBAC.

To my knowledge (and I've had a VBAC) VBAC does not increase the risk. Your friend just got unlucky.

Oh wait it was a THE ROOM joke. Ha ha. I am slow. Two weeks slow. Well played meritxxell!

No I was agreeing with you. I don't understand how her fan base can be big enough to support her career, either. I remember watching her on "Singled Out" (because I am An Old) and wondering THEN what the appeal was, because she was SO STUPID. SO STUPID. And that was before she made her stupid opinions known. (I stuck

Oh, you said it. I have been pointedly teaching my young children (one girl, one boy) female anatomy from day 1 (you know, birth canal) to demystify the mysterious. Yes I get it that the word meaning has evolved, but in this case I think it's good for all to know the glorious differences and nuances of various

And they're not reaching the deaf, horny guy fans over the radio.

I came here to say exactly this. Go away, Jenny McCarthy. Go the fuck away.

It seems so odd that The Rock would have a bodyguard. How is he not his own bodyguard?

(Hopefully not.)

We still don't know if he has an identical twin brother.

Rest easy. She's there. Scroll up to PenseurQuelconque's photo and you'll find her in the lower right corner.

Come home safely and binge-watch happily when you do.

I will love that movie to the end of my days.

I'm not so sure about that. True, human societies are violent. But is violence our default state? Given that violence carries risks (costs) — not only legal, but social (ostracization), personal (bodily harm), property/economic (lodging an axe in your opponent's head could mean losing the axe) — and given the

Sociopaths: Why we can't have nice things.

Agree, and especially when you have young children like this woman does. If she says she needs her car, I believe her.

Did you mean to reply to me? I don't disagree with you.

Honestly, I was confused. I didn't see those comments, so I thought you were addressing the original article and the non-racist top-posted comments. Thank you for clarifying.


Your dad is 1) adorable and 2) in no way reminiscent of the guy from this article, who unlike your dad is not so much being thoughtful about his daughter as being thoughtless about other people (the Sudanese and Egyptians who may have rightful claims to this land).