Can't play Fatal Frame 5 (in the US). Can't see Fatal Frame movie (in the US). Damnit Japan!
Can't play Fatal Frame 5 (in the US). Can't see Fatal Frame movie (in the US). Damnit Japan!
Nintendo: When it comes to home consoles, Nintendo’s games are and always have been region locked. (However, with the Datel Freeloader you can play Gamecube and Wii games from other regions.)
I would add: Space Missions! I want to fly my ship around in space and shoot other ships in space!
This is how my relationship with AC has gone:
I get the updates early, and I forgot not everyone had this already. I particularly like the changes they made to the Messages app. The sort of cell-phone text message format works great in snap mode. The double-tap thing is great (and necessary for Kinectless systems), but I still prefer to use my voice.
I really wish Microsoft would offer pre-order deals on digital games. People who buy physical copies get all the love.
There was a sequence where you holed up in a two story house with the Spanish guy (can't remember his name), that felt almost as intense as the opening, as enemies poored in through windows and doors, but I still think you're mostly right. That village opening was so amazing.
What about Microsoft's much touted reputation system? Don't they already have a system set up to make sure the bad apples are removed from the bunch and put with all the other bad apples? Why aren't they utilizing this?
"It's just the nature of retail," claims Chris. "If you have five retailers that are significant and you have an offer, you're going to need five different offers. Because if you only have one then all retailers have the same offer and that's not competitive. One retailer doesn't have the advantage over the other.
I could see two options to improve this concept: Make it voice controlled, or skip Kinect altogether, and make it turn-based with controls like XCOM: EU. I would buy that so fast.
I can't believe it's on sale the day after launch day. They must really want to people to stop pre-ordering, or even buying on launch day. Just wait 1 more day, and maybe it'll be on sale!
I'm still wishing for a Warcraft game in the style of the Elder Scrolls with 5 player coop, with visuals more in line with their CGI trailers.
I can't believe how beautiful this game is. The system requirement may be the scariest aspect of the game, though.
I felt the idea of the toy box was great for my young kids. Just drop them in a big play area with their favorite characters, and let them just horse around with no specific goals or obstacles. But, as you said, this proved hard/time consuming to create. I thought the toy box share would be my answer, but pretty…
I remember seeing video of this game playing on a monitor behind the glass at a game store when I was a kid, and I was utterly amazed at the 3D graphics. First 3D game I'd ever seen.
I'd rather see a Warcraft game in the vein of The Elder Scrolls, with visuals like their CG trailers, 4 or 5 player coop, and epic dungeons and boss fights.
You know, I actually looked for that, but it was hiding right next to the text in the top left, and I didn't notice it. Damn brain.
Played a good bit of the flash version at a friend's house. It was surprisingly awesome. Though instead of fighting each other, we would sometimes just see how fast we could get the ball going (every time you power hit the ball it doubles in speed or something).