When he said they were going to have people from the community play the game, I was totally expecting some esports athletes or big Youtubers. You know, people that actually make up the community. Then... celebrities... ugh.
When he said they were going to have people from the community play the game, I was totally expecting some esports athletes or big Youtubers. You know, people that actually make up the community. Then... celebrities... ugh.
Anduin is my first and only golden hero in Hearthstone, so you take that back!
No, Gearbox took over development well after the game was pretty fucked, and they just got it into a shippable state.
Agreed. WoW is beautiful in it’s own way. I’d love to view the game in VR. See everything in the scale it’s meant to be.
This is so true, and it’s the foundation of why I really hated my options for how to “beat” the game. No one is 100% right, and no one is 100% wrong. So you basically just decide what kind of asshole/murderer you want to be.
Yeah, I can’t remember off hand exactly which one it is, but it was a legendary leather chest piece that I upgraded.
Militia hat, wrap-around goggles, gunner flannel shirt & jeans, an upgraded legendary leather chest piece, then some random stuff on my arm and legs
I was super confused by “Anna Paquin Skywalker”.
Maybe I need to up the difficulty, or maybe I just haven’t wandered into really dangerous territory yet, but I eventually stashed all my food in a box and just carry my 40 stimpacks and 33 purified waters with me.
I’m continually impressed with Fallout 4. The graphics are greatly improved, my character has a voice(!), the dialogue system is great (no more staring at someone’s face the whole time while the world freezes behind them), the base building is a fun diversion, my companions actually have opinions and attitudes and can…
I don’t understand why people are so upset. Payday is a cooperative game. It’s not like someone with a better gun (+4 stability, WOWSERS!) is going to gun you down in a multiplayer match.
I hope their plans include more Life is Strange.
Something that I thought was really cool is how finding the cog tags in the campaign unlock comic book pages. Now I’m even more motivated to find them all.
“Yes, billion, with a B.”
But it’s the FIRST five, right? So if he didn’t record the first 5 minutes he was online, this whole thing is a sham.
I like the name of my group better, but we only have 22 members so I guess these guys win.
And yet, they couldn’t follow through on a “key” module. I’m not one of those people that thinks the game is a scam, but I do think even with talented people and virtually all the money, you still can’t be sure the game you’re funding will ever be what was promised.
“AI is the spice that takes a video game from bland to cool—it’s the thing that immerses us in a game world the way nothing else can.”
What has become of Bungie? Firing Marty O’donell. Charging $20 for $10 worth of content. Charging Xbox gamers $20 for $5 worth of content. Asking people to pay $40 for content they already paid for in order to get the content they actually want. And now this.