
In general, insult comics have pretty much outlived their era.

Now playing

We’re in uncharted territory right now, though, especially in US politics. Prior (let’s be honest) 2016, you could (almost) have a civil conversation with someone about politics, and things related to politics, including abortion/women’s health, gun control/rights, LGBTQAI issues, women’s rights, racism/white

Shue was sooooooooooo creepy in this show.  She played that character incredibly well. 

Not sure why you saw it as “confusing” It made sense to me: many of these ‘heroes’ were marketed to kids via books, TV, movies, toys, games, etc. Starlight even has that conversation with Maeve about reading the book about her, and there are so many nods to how these supes have been used their whole lives (Mezmer

If you haven’t done so, look up any of Dan Rather’s social media feeds. His analysis of the Mueller Report and everything to do with the Trump administration to-date has been spot-on.

It’s less about this testifying than it is about Congress acting on the facts of the situation. The House has ample evidence to start Impeachment proceedings. That they are not is purely political, because if an impeachment moves forward, it goes to the GOP controlled Senate, who will spin it against the Dems and it

My question is: once you arrive at the crack of dawn at your destination, what do you do with yourself and your stuff until that afternoon (usually 3 pm) check in?

He’s going to space, and they’re going to fight aliens. Seriously, I think that’s where this is heading.

Short answer: Jack Daniels and extra spices.  That’s really all you need.

I love sci fi, but YouTube constantly recommends the whiny hater channels that usually start with “Everything Wrong With [insert name of movie/show/video game here]”. The sad little troll fanboys feed off each other in a circle-jerk of inadequacy. I prefer to actually discuss sci fi and such, not listen to some inbred

I learned in a cooking class a few years back that the pre-chopped garlic in jars now is just as good as getting it fresh and chopping it yourself (this is only a fairly recent development in chopped garlic jar technology or something...). A little more expensive, but you’re paying for the convenience.

It all comes down to the USSR. Had Hitler kept his deal with them he likely could have secured his hold in Europe. He then could have turned his attention on the USSR. Regardless, the US entered the war not so much to fight Hitler initially, but because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

Thanks for painting everyone in my country with one idiotic brush. How very, um, Trumpian of you.

...as I read this on my phone in the lavatory...

Is this that big of a deal? Take transit. Take a cab. Bike. Walk. Drive if you must.

No, but when we inevitably share it on social media, it might clue a few boneheads in. I mean, probably not, but I dare to dream.

Good one.  LOL!

Well said.

Nope, spoiling it all right now... but it’ll take 10 hours to tell it because this guy is going to tell it:

The studio probably paid for the trainer, you know.