
This is great, but even at deep discounts I just can’t afford travel at the moment.

Yes! I’d like to win about $10k after taxes. That’s really all I need to cover some leftover medical debts. I’m chipping away at it, but it’d be great just to be done with it.

I’m lucky enough to be married to a woman who thinks as I do: if we ever won, we’d basically use it for positive reasons. We know we don’t need a ton of money to live on; it would be more about being philanthropic and doing the sort of positive things we try to do now, but on a larger scale. Supporting the arts,

1) fuck you and your ‘liberal state’ bullshit. Partisan politics can take a flying leap when it comes to national health concerns. I don;t subscribe to any political party, but even I know this is not some fascist plot to control the workforce, you tool.

How long did you wait into the flu season before getting the shot? Did you see people coming down with the flu and go “gosh I better get the shot”? If that’s the case (and I’m betting it is) you probably already had the flu virus in your system.

You got sick despite the vaccine, not because of it. Getting the shot is

Anti-vaxxers, please shut up.

Anti-vaxxers, PLEASE SHUT UP.

Well, wouldn’t be the interwebs without a solid porn reference somewhere.  WOOO!

Well, them, and that brown guy. Gotta give him the boot too. Can’t have a brown stormtrooper hero.  Noooooooooooooooooope!

Ultimately it feels like a scam. Don’t send these clowns a dime, now or in the future.

Geez, so many butthurt comments here.

...I’ll see myself out, thanks.


Now playing

Wow, in the famous words of Sgt. Hulka: “Lighten up, Francis”.

I saw her routine as less a comedy bit and more a chastising of the administration and of the mass media’s symbiotic and dysfunctional relationship with Trumpp and co.

Funny? That depends on what you consider ‘funny’. But it was definitely effective in the way that it needed to be. It rattled just about everyone

OK, good point. What amazes me the most is that he’s pretty much (with the budget deal carving into Medicare, Medicade, and Social Security) abandoned all of his campaign promises and talking points. He probably, as we can now surmise, never intended to honor any of those promises.

Yeah it’s pretty good; it’s a hike if you’re walking from the Quarter, though

I’ve never had a bad meal at Acme. I mean, yeah, it’s hyped, but I actually liked it better than Felix’s across the street.

Oh I don’t think you’re alone, but it won’t be our parents that get hit with the fallout of these decisions... it’ll be us. Gen X, and eventually the Millennials.

And there we go.

Which we all knew he would do. He outright told his supporters after he was elected that he never had any intention of ‘draining the swamp’ or putting Hillary in jail. He’s a a snake-oil salesman. A professional con-man. That’s how he made his alleged millions (I say ‘alleged’ because he won’t show anybody his tax

We get it, dude. Your time in NOLA sucked. I’m guessing you went with either over-the-top expectations, or preconceived ideas that it was going to suck.

Sorry you hated it, but you’re not in the majority on this post, so why did you even bother to comment? The basis of the article is “Tell Us Your Tips”, not “”Bitch