He was convinced it sucked before he ever went, and thus he experienced it that way. He seems like he’d be hella fun at parties, eh?
He was convinced it sucked before he ever went, and thus he experienced it that way. He seems like he’d be hella fun at parties, eh?
So, you didn’t actually experience New Orleans. Got it.
Also, you lumped Baltimore in with ‘Murder Capitals” which is where I’m from, so you can bite me on that one, clown. Baltimore is fantastic, as is New Orleans, and as long as you use common sense as you would in any other big city. Hell, I heard more murder and…
First time I ever went to NOLA was in 1997, and I took the bus from the airport to the CBD. It took almost an hour, but you see such a unique cross-section of the city that way. :)
Funny, I was really put off by Felix’s the two times I tried it. Gonna have to try Drago’s, thanks for the suggestion!
Ever tried Port of Call’s burgers? FANTASTIC, believe me!
My wife and I visit every 5 years; we had our honeymoon there in 2003. I had also been there prior to our honeymoon. What I’ve learned is as follows:
FOOD: There are SOOOO many options. Everything I would suggest it looks like others have already listed. Like they say when people go to NYC, eat local! Why go to a chain…
Is the proper response to that either “on the street’ or “on my feet”?
Also important: Scotch.
I find just asking confidently and politely works without handing over cash. And many hotels have a policy wherein the people at the counter aren’t allowed to accept tips.
You can get a basic knowledge of what you need to do to keep your kid healthy without becoming a medical expert. Common sense and logic go a long way towards a positive result here. Find a doc you trust, talk to him/her about what you want to know, and they’ll be able to break it down in terms that make sense to us…
My issue with Spotify is that it tends to slow up the computer: doesn’t matter which comp I install it on. It also likes to pop up as the top screen above whatever else you have open on your monitor. Very annoying.
My one complaint about this is as follows: why would the Empire drop an AT-AT into a dense forest? It would massive restrict mobility of the vehicle and leave the thing a sitting duck for bombers, as shown by the footage. AT-ST’s make sense, but a the AT-AT? That’s just dumb.
Philly vs the rest of the state of PA: there's no WAY that number applies to living in Philadelphia.
Retirement is.
I never get tired of seeing that.
Ugh. Well, for every clown like this, there's some gullible fool who will listen to him. As David Hannum (a rival to PT Barnum and the real source of this quote, apparently) said: "There's a sucker born every minute!"
Well, not quite a serpent, but:
Key stroke, that is...
The 'pin-heads' bit is the best, especially being hyphenated. LOL!