As long as Belichick is SecDef.
As long as Belichick is SecDef.
Holy crap, that is the most nuanced position I have heard from anybody. #Popovich2020! Make America have long term consistent success like the Spurs!!!
I just read a report earlier that said Ford is already planning to dig tunnels under the wall to get those cars out of Mexico. That way, they’ll avoid paying that tax because they are smart.
your hatred is out of date, Audi is the new BMW. In fact just last week I saw a BMW using it’s turn signal.
Ted Cruz combines the charisma of a mortician with the political savvy of the kid who wears a suit while running for high school class president.
Shamelessly stolen from the Reddit thread about this:
The new Mac is different than I thought it’d be.
no way it would have to be a corolla or a camry
Can we stop beating this dead horse?
This is good Kinja
+1 calling Child Protective Services...
I guess Peterson just wanted to switch things up.
Hey, Pittsburgh people: if any of you steal one of these Ubers, email us and tell us what it’s like at
She was standing her ground against that car.
Its my civic duty to inform that the vehicle looks like a lambo.
I broke my arm when I was 13. When they took off the cast, my tendons had healed a little too tight. I found out that I could throw a baseball incredibly fast. I got signed to a major league team and did really well closing out games. I eventually reinjured my arm later in the season and had to retire. But I’ll always…
Seriously, Taco trucks on every corner is the “chicken in every pot” for 2016. If voting Hillary gets you that, we are looking a Reagan level landslide.