
Allergic to tacos? Never before have I been so sure there is no God.

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

He’s in a Whole Foods.


CTE is real, folks.

I am an engineer (well, former), and by my calculations, your math is spot on.

I’m not an engineer. But if dual-clutch is better than single-clutch, then triple-clutch has to be betterer than anything which clutches less.

I would be okay with BMW designing a retro 2002, like the new Mini Coopers.

Before you ask for it:

Listen, I’m just glad you overcame your stroke and can use a keyboard again. I’m sure your tastebuds will come back eventually.

That still fails to justify cutting in line.

That vehicles looks out of its Element.

Du Li noted.

Chav = English urban white trash (Ned is the Scottish equivalent)

You misspelled Florida. Pretty egregiously as well.

just like his island in a few years....

attempted to hide the bags under some leaves before being arrested

The cops were all over him, like white on Rice.

It’s a conversation starter.