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Shelby Mustangs, destroying garages everywhere

but one reporter had more important things to do.

Whew. I feel much better knowing Harden won’t have to defend anything here.

Donald Trump and his whole campaign has been like a truth serum forcibly injected into the American bloodstream. Personally, I’m glad it’s all out there again like the bad old days, instead of the bullshit dogwhistles we’ve been living with for the past few decades.

“about damn time” -Steven Adams' testicles

The most American thing someone can do is to leave a baseball game early.

That woman just killed someone.

“It’s real to me”

Vinyl roof wagons are like young guys wearing monocles: I have to stare at them, however I don’t quite know what to make of them.

I guess the driver took the car’s power (puts on sunglasses), for granite.

If the Ferrari then caught fire, we could all ask “can you smell what the rock is cooking?”

They’re gonna get a lot closer to God when they gotta stop quick on those heavy 26" chrome rims and stock brakes.

A quarterback has no name.

And 70 years later... still shooting video vertically.

I wanna hang out backstage and light batteries on fire with Ludacris


Driver stayed calm, but the dashcam was FREAKIN’ OUT