
I’m not a fan of the new Camaro because of its looks, but I would love to drive the shit out of this car!

This version was originally $799, but dayum, $399 is VERY tempting. I’m thinking about going for it now and then begging forgiveness from my wife later.

This version was originally $799, but dayum, $399 is VERY tempting. I’m thinking about going for it now and then

If you think it’s bad going in, wait until it comes out.

NP because somebody save it!

Democrat from Kentucky, which is the least believable thing in the film

My guess was some fresh, new Air Jordans.

They were all wearing sneakers at the time, so I guess it’s still legit.

Make sure it’s the biggest SUV you can get, because they come with cup holders in the rear. You can also use that extra space for when you have to take the one kid to soccer practice.

I saw one at a BMW dealership when I stopped by to get some parts. I’ve always liked this car, but in person it looks fantastic. This is the only car I would buy new if I could.

You Land Cruiser came equipped with the “Take little Billy to soccer practice” package. It wasn’t really setup for off-roading....unless by off-roading you mean “get to the supermarket when it snowed that one time”.

Well I know one eBay seller who is going to get negative feedback for not following shipping instructions!

Bad move. The SAFER thing to do is to get into the right lane (unless you are exiting to the left or something) and let them pass. If they go around you, here are the possibilities:

Even if everything on that truck were in perfect, near mint condition, 35k is asking way too much.

The reason I focused on the Republicans is due to the topic of the article. I have issues with the Democrats as well, mostly because they do a very poor job of fighting for what they supposedly believe in. The main issue with both parties is the fact that lobbyists and special interests can pour crap loads of money

Interesting, because I came up with my opinions from watching Republican debate clips, republican rallys and such (I especially liked the “Obama is a Muslim” incident at a McCain rally. If you can find something similar from a Democratic rally, please share). I do watch Bill Maher, because some of what he says makes

Again, I don’t do MSNBC. Don’t even know what channel it is. Plus, I am a registered independent so I cannot pick who wins the Democratic nomination. But I won’t stay home, so I’ll vote for the best candidate (Dem or Rep) and If I have to choose between Hillary and the freak show that’s going on with the Republicans

I don’t listen/watch MSNBC or FOX. In fact, I barely even watch CNN, so my opinions come from reading, experience and what I see going on around me. But if you deny that the T-Party and the tons of money being thrown around to purchase elections are a not a concerted effort by the GOP to deflect from real issues then

The reason you didn’t communicate well together is because you probably tried to get past the talking points and get to specifics. That’s then their “reality bubble” breaks down and their denial flight response kicks in. When you try and tie what they say into some sort of true meaning, and the reality of what they

Easy. Obama cannot run again. She is basically all black voters, including myself, have left. But if I have to choose between her and what’s left at the bottom of the GOP barrel, I’m going with her.