
Your counterpoint means the GOP is out of touch with its voters. Perhaps the GOP is doing a lousy job getting its message out. Maybe if the GOP spent less time obstructing, Obama hating and re-fighting settled law and more time doing something constructive and moving forward, then Trump would not have stolen the

Fuk yeah...

No one is expecting these movies to win any awards for the writing. It’s the other crap that comes along with the “mindless action”:

This sentence reads like the 2nd Amendment.

I got an idea. Last 5 minutes of a game, if a foul occurs then the team gets to pick anyone they have on the floor to shoot the free throws.

* clicks on photo to make witty comment in a caption *

Why does it matter? If they put the Broncos on the wrong side first, then just put the Panthers on the other side. Who would have kown the difference?

crap i loro pantaloni

I’m not into pickup trucks, but I would totally drive the shit out of this thing if given the chance.

I think the left tire was off by 1 or 2 psi.

I don’t know...looked like honey mustard to me.

Will it baby?

We’re off to a great start this year. There was also a shooting (didn’t see it anywhere on Gawker yet) at a gun store. You know, the place that’s safe because there are so many guns there.

This will require a re-calibration of all cuteness scales.

According to the original article, the dog actually got 7th place while also screwing around. She would run to the front, stop along side of the course to investigate something, and even run off the course to play around. She could have easily taken 1st place if she wanted to, but having fun was more important.

If you are a little handy with a wrench, then this is a nice car to get for the price.

The real secret is what’s going on here.

I think I found a buyer.

Didn’t you see me on that episode of Family Guy!!!!!