
One of three things should have happened.

Ok, so I have a question. I remember hearing that “simulating a snap count” by the defens is illegal. Is there a *specific* rule for that, or does “simulating a snap count” fall under...

It’s actually market price for a Gallardo, but you have to factor in the cost of getting rid of all that shit that’s in and on it.

10 out of 10 would hoon!


They are also going to write a new WWII book, with gems like:

I would love to see what would happen if a squirrel or rabbit runs out onto the field during one of these games.

As long as there can be infinite amounts of money in politics a meaningful discussion about this will never happen.

This needs to be on a TV show.

Defnitely not a clown shoe.

The real test will be what happens when Peyton Manning or Tom Brady takes a hit for handing the ball of out of a shotgun.

After seeing what soccer hooligans do in general and what players do to refs, I’m gonna guess that “insurance liability” is the last thing on the leagues mind.

I believe your statement qualifies.

“I can only get a shitty car, but look at the weapons I can afford, yo!”

Here’s where I have a problem with this. In most circumstances, you can’t hit a quarterback below the waist. There’s a rule against that. Now, the defender has to decide what type of play he’s allowed to do so. It needs to be more consistent. You can either hit a QB low or you can’t.

“All your rams are belong to us!”

Ugh...between this crap and the various “Housewives/Divas/Whocares of Whogivesaratsass” my wife totally bogarts the TV. I just read and stream other stuff from my laptop to minimize brain cell loss.


I’m really having a hard time believing that wasn’t done on purpose.
