
“Brawling With” is a euphamism for “Getting Ass Kicked By”.

This weekend is “Movie Weekend”, which is when my wife and I go to our favorite theater and watch at least 3 movies. I was just going to pass on this and wait until it hits cable, but my wife wants to see it. To me, I don’t read much into the biopic movies because when the subjects are writing about themselves they

Making the world a better place, one stick driver at a time. Definitely a valuable public service.

Well, if he want’s a year off with pay he can “play” for the Sixers.

I looks like he’s going to fast to make the turn. I wonder if not hitting the car would have made things worse because I think he would have wound up running off the road.

The car is beautiful....but the price.

That gif is so meta.

Spent all the money on the car. None left for a fire extinguisher.

Just say “Put it where the Truck Nutz go”. They’ll understand that.

Tom Brady didn’t destroy the cell phone because it had incriminating information. He did it because he wanted a smaller one that’s easier for him to grip.

Now playing

Soccer, aka Futbol, aka Kick a ball and pretending to be hurt.

This used to be considered big. Now average sized SUVs are bigger.

I am going to remain willfully ignorant about this and not read it.

Stuff like this is why the internet was invented.

I need to replace the convertible top on my E36 as the plastic window in back is cracked (gonna tape it one day with wader/tent tape), and it’s rather worn. Also, there is this weird issue I’m having where it runs a litte rough at precicely 1000 RPM. A little above, or a little below it’s just fine. Gotta look into

Maybe Phil is stuck in the past and still thinks his job is to beat the Nicks.

Who? Serious candidate with good and viable ideas.

What the hell are you talking about?

NP, just for the body alone. I love that style, and a modern engine swap would make this a nice, sweet ride.