I am not a VW fan....Building one of these, would make me a VW fan.
I am not a VW fan....Building one of these, would make me a VW fan.
Yeah, and that Olivio guy is going to be radio active career wise.
This is a tough one, but I'm going to vote CP only because you can get a similar car in better shape for around the same price, if not a little cheaper.
Thanks. Now I'll save some bucks by seeing the regular, non 3d version.
I'm curious; if Intergalactic were playing during the monster fight scenes, would that had made for a better movie?
Most times. Depends on who you ask.
The guns are relevant to the story because they were used as part of the assault. He also threatened to shoot her with said guns. That's a pretty important part of the story, and is important to the case itself.
Shake sula,
You just won the internet!
The best thing about this part of the video was the sound of the shovel hitting the girl's head.
Ludicrous speed? Does that mean it will go plaid?
OMG! How will all those Soccer Mom's get their one kid to soccer practice!
Not really, though. You ever see a nice looking woman with a good job end up with some loser who doesn't want to work? That loser is often the most arrogant type of person out there, because they wont even try to get a job or be productive; yet that poor woman will cling to them (even to the point of having to fight…
"56 percent view men who drive exotic or fast cars as being showoffs or arrogant,"
What type of sandpaper did you use for sanding the trim?
Plus you have to replace the turn signal fluid every year, or you won't pass state inspection.
Only if you multiply it by itself.
You'll have a lot more time, but also a lot less money.