Was going to type something similar, but XKCD makes the point just fine.
OMG! His arm!
But corporations don't pay taxes anyway, right? I can see if it were a thing where they don't pay taxes for x number of years (many other places already do that), but if you don't pay taxes to begin with then aren't you basically getting a handout? Are they not having to pay some other tax that I am not hearing about?
The issue with this is that taxpayers are now giving handouts to corporations to entice them to move there (and not pay taxes). This from a state where you would be called a socialist if you ask corporations to pay taxes to help people. This just seems wrong.
he's trying to make a facebook post. Is that such a big deal?
I was speaking more in terms of how the characters speak and act. Based on what I have seen of the series, the more likely scenario would be Cersi smacking the crap out of Jamie, Jamie raising his right had to smack her back, Cersi looking in disgust at his metal hand, then Jamie walking out without saying a word. The…
Yes, I am. Jamie and Cersi "shaking hands" and "parting ways"? That dialog does not match those two characters.
Love the list. Vegeta was always my favorite. I think the show would have been way better if he had been more evenly matched with Goku, who seemed to magically increase his power whenever he needed to somehow.
I can see why they didn't go with this script. It doesn't even "sound" like something that would come from the Game of Thrones.
Why is one of the Housewives of Atlanta on the bench?
The point is it does not make me sleep better. And the fact that you singled out Harry Reid when companies like Monsanto pay millions of dollars to lobby BOTH Republicans and Democrats tells me that this, to you, is a partisan issue and not a realistic one. Harry gets voted in because he as the money to keep running.…
Here, let me help you out.
I see. You expect transparency. Look someplace else for that. People/lobbyists paying off our government to affect policy don't want to be listed on NYSE. The companies they represent probably are though, if you want to do the investigation that is.
Which is why the Corn Lobby "invested" in Government to force Ethanol upon the people. The only reason investors know better than government is because they invest IN government.
I wonder. Does making knockoffs of the Chinese knockoffs protect you from the original manufacturer?
You are now in the lead for winning the internets today.
One of the best Family Guy scenes ever!
Too bad for them this didn't happen in Texas because they would have totally gotten away with it...Totally.