It looks like it was an afterthought.
This would be infinitely better if you had a guy in a referee shirt nearby so the flopper can look at him while throwing up his hands just before the ref dude blows a whistle.
Shooting while bunny-hopping is for n00bs!
The unemployed don't have enough money to payoff congressmen....I mean, run a lobbying group.
I think it's about frequency. Manned airstrikes have a higher risk, therefore there are fewer and they are better planned. There were instances where manned aircraft still made the news however. The one that immediately comes to mind is the attack helicopter that took out some unarmed dudes and then shot up a van that…
One more step towards a fully automated system. Skynet, here we come!
You know what? I'm gonna say NP because rally dat bitch!
LOL! He is putting on shades over top of shades!!!!!
I use a 24k baud modem to connect to the Jalopnik really need to get with the times.
"GM says the built-in 4G LTE connection will allow them to update their vehicles with the latest software and apps remotely, so they can continually tweak and improve their infotainment systems."
Unless the car manufacturers decide that since it's there already it would be very convenient to use it to diagnose your car and send it software updates. Then your car is prone to being p0wned.
Everyone knows that a Jeep is supposed to HIT the moose, not avoid it.
All the girls think I'm pretty fly....for a white guy!
The blackout rule makes even less sense when the taxpayers of the cities are now subsidizing the stadiums.
Dude, I'm from Philly. That number is WAY too low.
We always hear people talking about not starting "class warfare". What most people don't realize is that it has already begun; and guess who us losing.
I guess Texas is now soft on crime.