
Here's how he REALLY said it.

"By-Wire all the things!" Said nobody.

Except that Fat Old Men will still be the only ones who can afford it.

Dubious D is not so sure.


"The cheapest car on sale in the US today is the Nissan Versa at $12,780."

Reverend Al Sharpton has an EV?

You win all internet points today.

Ugh...took me about 10 seconds. +1

All that is needed is to add the sunglasses dropping down. Make it so!

Most exciting Camry ever built!

It was a skinny post at that!

It was a skinny post at that!

LOL! I need to stop reading these things while I'm on a conference call!

"Why should I change my name? He's the one who sucks!"

+1....continuing my trip to hell.

Air balled? I saw it hit nuthin' but net.

Vince Vaughn has become Adam Sandler 2.0.

Yeah, but they look so happy!