Buns on the Run

"GG makes more for women than certain feminists." What does that mean? Makes more what?

My only thought is this: examining violence in games, and how we react to it and why is important, but it's hard for me to muster that effort when there's something about this game feels fundamentally dishonest. I realize that may sound absurd, but... it screams marketing gimmick, and not a very good one at that—I

Gamergate has had fair articles. It's just that when you look at it fairly, they still come out looking like awful people.

poke-a-cepsi is another example of someone who doesn't understand the difference between being skeptical and being cynical. There is more than enough evidence that she was threatened and that this is a big deal. I don't agree with everything she says (because I think some of it is presented in a skewed context but I

People like poke-a-cepsi are never going to believe that they are wrong. We will never be able to convince him. And that is part of the entire problem.

The guy that I linked to above is not a "random guy". He's a journalist for the website Breitbart, and he was also one of the people accusing Anita of fake threats. If the person accusing her of this did the research and said she was telling the truth, what more do you want?

Anita has been accused of faking these threats and not actually making police reports before. The actual people who accused her of it found out themselves that not only was she telling the truth, she was also dealing with the FBI.

Slow down their chief. Stop being coy and pretending that knowing about a stereotype and propagating a stereotype are the same thing. Japan has a horrible record when it comes to portraying black people in media (especially in hand drawn mediums where artistic liberties can be had). Having said that, yes, this is a

Wait, are you continuing on with the sarcasm? Because if you're not, you've sort of highlighted the problem.

so what you're saying is that Japan wants "primitive hominids," so it draws black people.

Erm, are those roaches just black stereotypes with antennae?

Okay, seriously. What in the actual fuck, folks?

I teach English at the college level; last year, I was privileged to teach ENG 230, which at my institution is a rotating (through the faculty) course that is generously labeled "Special Topics in Literature."

I taught my course, for two semesters, as "Gaming: Literary

And the eye covers were his glasses, right? My friend had this. It was the weirdest thing ever seeing someone wear those glasses with his eyes on them.

Chibi Miku survives by feeding on children.

Are you sure you didn't dream that? That sounds like something you experience while fighting a 105 degree fever.

Once for Christmas I got the 90210 board game. I didn't watch the show, and it was a trivia game. I'd rather gotten socks. At least I could use those.

I had changed mine to having the dead person a ghost as a sidekick of sorts.

Thanks for the well cited response. I thought that no one else was acknowledging the "hide your wives" imagery.

A friend of mine pointed out to me that they thought the depiction of the humanoid cockroaches in Terra Formars was racist against black people. While this does not lessen my overall impressions of the manga as I don't feel it's intentional, it may be worth mentioning for those who feel sensitive.