Buns on the Run

See my other reply. High and trolling. I can talk all day about shit I don't care about.

Yeah that's if you even believe Julius Caesar and Ancient Rome existed. I'm an atheist so I'm a little suspect on your claims.

He posted a rant which covers the second part of my comment pretty good.

True. My nephew bought the 2nd game (I already own it) and wanted to try it out here before going home, to see if it worked right (it was used).

Ubisoft's quote is hilarious:

You need to find better cat friends.

That's awful! D=

but not THAT good.

Actually, Fun comes second, silly Square-Enix.

I dunno, maybe in terms of style - but the plot is blatantly an adaptation of Stevenson's "Treasure Island". It'd be interesting to see if Skies of Arcadia used the same timeless tale as their own inspiration.

Any details? How far did they censor it?

I must not be the only one to expect him to say "Didju rike it?" at the end, only to be disappointed, right? RIGHT? DAT SMIRK! He's totally projecting that into my brain!

Oh golly, maybe this year gamers will grow up a little bit and realize that the imagined wrongdoings of a company that makes video games aren't even remotely in the same league as the actual 'bad companies' out there.

Or maybe they'll continue to do exactly what they've always done and be loud-mouthed children because

Being aware of Japan's harsh drug laws made A$AP Yams' instagram photos from Japan even more hilarious when he'd post photos of ounces surrounded by liters of codeine in public places.

"Just don't do it bro" says Fuzztaro

Are you in one of these videos or something? Or do you just think kids should be able to scream the N word over and over in CoD matches and not be criticized for it because...why?

Ideally? "We're happy to see there's so much interest in Final Fantasy Type-0. We've decided to localize the game for Western audiences later this year."

I asked Square Enix for comment on this stuff—and about any plans to release the game here—a few weeks ago, but haven't heard back. I'll update if they have any statements.