Buns on the Run

I wonder if he jizzed on Obama's face.

Honest, depressing answer? Because nobody cares about these girls.

Why is anyone still working with him?

Always a classic.

I wanna say... Devilman? Once again, I may be totally mis-remembering stuff. I think it's hilarious that the female character version is called devilman lady btw.

It's why I'm dropping the "shin" in there. Since Gekiga hasn't really been used in a while, the new stuff can be or feel a little differently and not change the meaning of all the awesome stuff. But I seem to remember Go Nagai becoming gekiga, and he wasn't subtle at all.

Genre =/= Target Demographic

Note that the turn of the 20th century, in the Meiji era of late 1800s and early 1900s was when Japan was rushing very rapidly into modernizing it from its feudal era warlords/feudal-lord system and trying to catch up to the glorious empires of the Western world. That included kids starting to wear school uniforms and

Ahh, underground manga. That stuff is so underexposed now, much like underground comics everywhere. You start mentioning Mr. Natural and everyone's like "huh?" Here's an article talking about some underground manga.


Boys Love is a genre, not an intended audience. That said, BL tends to appear in Shojo and Josei anime and manga more than in the other types.

I have absolutely no idea what this is from, but the elephant(?) reminds me of the old guy from Courage the Cowardly Dog!

Should have used the term "Ayatollah Rockanrolla" instead

(where those fireworks would be what happens in your liver)

I'm playing on PC and have been playing for over 5 hours and have not experienced a single problem with the game, it's FLAWLESS.

The real swastika is not actually called a swastika. It's called a manji, among other things.

It's predominant in Asian cultures, for the most part, but most of the time when a manji is used in a creative work it's changed into a yin & yang or something else for publishing in western markets. In Japan the manji is

You know what's worse?

That video sounds repulsive (unless it had a groovy 80s sax track)!

I have never heard about that, but man oh man do I want to see it. I loved those dreadful made-for-school videos about bullying and stuff.