Buns on the Run

Nationalists will use any mean to make their country look better.

I still think these instances don't properly reflect on the average South Korean or the Japanese. There's a lot of extremists on both sides who make a huge public fighting spectacle of it and if there's anyone who wants to bury the hatchet, they are shamed into silence by these nationalists and extremists.

That's true, and unsurprisingly the same thing happened in the movie industry. Once it became "okay" to depict gay characters in films you pretty much had to choose between shrieking queens and creepy gay predators. It's better now, but not a whole lot better.

"We don't have many female, Black, Hispanic, Indian, Russian, French or Canadian protagonists in video games either."

Games like Mass Effect are a giant leap forward for games because they do let you choose, but thats a character that the player creates, rather than an actual character written into a storyline who happens to be gay. I don't know what you're so frustrated about, it seems you have a lot of resentment for the homosexual

Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. I don't know how much it counts, though; I don't know how close over-sexualised male fantasy lesbians are to the real thing, but I expect not very.

You seriously need to get your brain checked. And being exposed to their lifestyle? Do you live on a farm? There are people of other creeds and orientation out there, learn to respect them. It's not about forcing you to play as a gay character, it's about having a respectable portrayal of one in a certain medium. No

My grandfather was a closeted homosexual (allegedly). Yeah, without his marriage to my grandmother, I wouldn't be, but it's exactly this "Why does it matter? Why does their sexuality have to be a thing? What if they're gay but you just don't know. Stop talking about it."-attitude that encourages it. It's not

It's weird thinking this came right before 13...

Look, I get what you're trying to say and all, but you're wrong. Balthier is the main character in that game, and anyone who says otherwise is a damn dirty liar.

...just saying what, exactly?

Why can't gays just be gay without forcing everybody else to accept and be exposed to their gay lifestyle as well?

I guess you should read the article.

The best way to introduce a gay main character is to avoid all stereotypes. I'm gay and everytime i see a gay character in a game i kringe my teeth of how wrong it is. I just don't understand how they make these kind of characters when there are alot of gay people in game studios.

Aside from being married to a woman he longed for the entire game, I guess.

A young girl kissing a friend in a harsh post apocalyptic world is hardly indicative of true sexual preference. Most people don't figure out who they are until their twenties.

Revealed in a prequel DLC released after the fact. Which is exactly an example the article talks about.

How would anyone know that yet? No one's bothered to try.

As I wrote the other day in the Business round up:

My money's actually on Naughty Dog to be able to pull this off. I just hope and pray that it's not Quantic Dream.