wow what a selfless guy, did he do this in front of a camera
wow what a selfless guy, did he do this in front of a camera
i don’t believe you’re a real doctor
not to say konami isnt bad, but people really will just type anything on here
i dont mean to be a parody of myself, but what gives with promoting fnaf? kotaku has written a lot about how its profits are directly donated to politicians who are furthering odious anti-LGBTIQ+ goals. yet here it is in a fluffy listicle about how much fun it is to welcome in the winter months. you can’t have it both…
thats not gonna work this time bud, it’s not 2003 anymore
i agree that, at times, MGS2 is quite brilliant! but i wonder how much of that was Kojima and how much was Tomokazu Fukushima and the rest of the writing staff
“college senior” is incredibly generous
man is in his 50s, he wouldve been 30 when tactics ogre came out. can’t dispute his work on ff14 has been great, though.
Sure, once I was young and impulsive
Apologies if this has already been raised a zillion times, but trails in the sky 3rd is a ten year old game with the specs of a twenty year old one. Runs perfect on my cheapo laptop. Give it a go if you have a machine with windows!
If you access the sonic 3 level select, many stages from s&k are listed and inaccessible. so yeah, they were cut, but i think you’re right that both games likely would’ve been too big for one cart
Breaking news: The internet’s least racist person is a white guy who makes racist jokes and fraternises with racists
do you always comment on things you’re not interested in
jesus what a cracker ass response
why is his go-to expletive the most heinous racist word for black people?
“hey look at all the blacks, hope you don’t have ebola”
take your quotes from children’s movies elsewhere
shut up you nerd nobody cares how good you are at sega god damn