Buns on the Run

I think the different unlockable combo moves and weapons made up for the repetitive dungeons. There is SO much to unlock and customize your character with in LoM. Right from the get-go you can use swords, flails, knuckles, spears, bows and arrows, hammers, etc... So much lovely variety.

The nicest thing she could've done for him was post what she did. Maybe now he'll read the comments on this article and wake the fuck up to reality, rather than her just let him down 'easy' and then he'll just keep on doing the same awkward bullshit over and over again.

But mobsters turning informant is not unique at all. If anything, that seems to happen very often.

Karen Gravano says "Antonia Bottino," (pictured in the background above) whom the player rescues in a random encounter called "Burial," at the far north of the map. Gravano appeared on the first three seasons of VH1's "Mob Wives" reality show and her lawsuit says she's publishing another book about her life soon.

There's a lot to LOL at in your post. First there's 'Wait..' like you're really about to come in with some unique observation that's just occurred to you.

If your first contact with someone on a social network site is because you've gotten their personal details from somewhere else, then maybe you are using it as a stalker.

Social network sites are not made so people who see your face once should be able to surprise-invite you to anything.

Having worked as a store clerk

He definitely needed a lesson, and she didn't bother sugar coating anything.

Social networking is for networking with friends and colleagues. It is not for unsolicited sexual advances. Dating sites are for sexual / romantic networking. So I think your argument is invalid. But just the phrase, "women's rights, harassment and shit..." tells us everything we need to know about your viewpoint.

Thank you for catching the Scrubs reference, I was hoping it wouldn't fly over everyone's heads :)

Why THE FUCK should she delete her profile? The delusional self-importance of this person is jaw-dropping. Also the idea that making someone so uncomfortable that they have to delete their profile is, like, totally fine and normal. This is textbook stalking behaviour and need to be exposed as an example. The only

Male/female sexual norms work on a completely different set of expectations on than male/male ones. I'm not sure why you think being hit on by another man in a bar (a totally different experience from being hunted down on social media by a member of the opposite sex) is a comparable experience, but it's not.

Because those gay guys hitting on you don't have a history of becoming violent and beligerent when faced with rejection. And women have been conditions to reply softly and meekly and that any woman being assertive is a "frigid bitch."

So if she doesn't say something too firmly, she's not doing it right.
If she says

Having a public profile isn't carte blanche for a random customer to find out your last name through an intermediary and look you up. And then start loading a bunch of goddess worshiping on you and acting like being a nice guy entitles you to some sort of reasonable relationship with a COMPLETE STRANGER.

Quite frankly, I'm disgusted at some of the replies here. "Maybe she should have told him she wasn't interested." "She should have just blocked him. "She didn't have to bitch him out like that." Oh yeah? Well he didn't have to be a massive creepo either, but he was. I'm glad she bitched him out and called his ass

I was ready to post some snarky thing about this not being video games, but then I got to the end.

This might be the best thing I read all damn day...thank you Kotaku. Also, to the people saying she didn't have to be mean or just 'block' him. No, fuck that...she told him straight off as she should. Women are under no obligation to be 'nice' to you.

Far too many guys DON'T take the hint when a woman tries to 'let them down easier'. I've had that issue, myself. I only wish I had the backbone this woman has.

Is it even social acceptable for anyone besides a 12 year old girl to be in a hot-topic?

Dunno, it wasn't so much what he was saying, but at the rate and pressure it was being said. He needed to be told to back down, as straight forward as possible.