Buns on the Run

That's the girl he wants to lend Mighty Bomb Jack to. In his fantasy (which we see sometimes) she looks like that... and he looks like this.

Good acting there, he looks either very intimidating or like he just wet his own pants.

I interpreted melrtal as saying it "is hardly a big deal" in terms of "an in movie divorce would not ruin the movie" instead of "divorce has no effect on real people." But I'm pretty optimistic so who knows...

I figured he'd died of off camera disease, which afflicted so many movie and TV show parents of the 90s. Divorce makes more sense though.

Do share. Is it really going to be 60-70's!? I hope not. :p

I'll take decent games in any form on any platform.

It's too bad - I really *wanted* to like this game. It should be totally up my alley! But alas. I will have to find other things to do while waiting for you to send me Trails SC. >_>

Actually, I'm Vietnamese :))

If someone made a mini-series of Edea/Ringabel banter, I would watch the shit out of it.

If it's under $10 it may be worth it to you. Your description is pretty accurate like the third level you get all the weapons the game has to offer and the combo system isn't even revealed until after you beat it the first time, making the first run through feel like slogging through very colorful sludge. The levels

Oh look, grown up skylanders

No, the FireStarter!!!

It reminds me of Stephen King's The Thing.

The Del Rey version is also out of print (since they closed) so you would be able to find volumes used. Good places to check Amazon, half.com, and ebay. I do own this version (and Del Rey did complete the set) and it is much better then the TokyoPop version.

yeah back in the old days of the 90s. Then again without some of those bad translations we'd probably not have the good ones now, nor as much awareness of the series like we do now.

I hate this game for one reason: I LOVED Romancing SaGa and bought this thinking it was like that. NOPE. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Now many hate Romancing too, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I really wanted to like this game. I didn't even mind the board game aspect, but the difficulty was horrible, and if I remember correctly, every time you failed, you were at a bigger and bigger disadvantage, to the point where making any sort of progress was impossible.

I had a guy from ASCIIware come into the Kinko's I worked at to make some copies. I mentioned having played King's Field, and he said "Yeah. The King's Field guys are a bunch of alcoholics."

You guys remember this game?