Buns on the Run

It is, yeah.

I love Ys games. That is, the older Ys games. Oath in Felghana and Ark of Napishtim are two of my favorites. I even love the original! But I couldn't bring myself to even get close to finishing Ys Seven. It starts off (hopefully only starts off) really slow and rather boring. I get annoyed having to beat up dead

It's moments like these we laugh at everyone saying "JRPGs rarely come out anymore" because that can't be further from the truth. What is true however is that too few of them make it to full localization. And that many of these RPGs are on handhelds, and especially Vita has a bright future in it (3DS is no slouch

Boy: "Feminists are awful literally 100% of the time! There is not one good thing feminists have done!"
Person who actually knows what 'feminist' means: "What about <x>?"

Only if the game is legit sexist, or has legit sexist aspects. Considering there's a character called "Cheeks Gaywood," I wouldn't be surprised if it also contained problematic sexual politics. Cloistered he-nerd game designers: they will find a way.

Because homosexuality HAR HAR. It's 2013, and apparently still too much to ask of anime to depict my demographic as something besides weirdo molesters and outright rapists more than twice a decade.

You people are class A idiots.

I agree with you. There are men who would cry "misandry" over a game that sounds feminist like this.

Clearly it's a male power fantasy. Just wipe out women altogether! What could make men more powerful?!

Although I share your dissapointment, threatening violence on a building on the internet is not a smart thing to do in this day in age.

Moshi moshi, Lightning-desu.

I hope not. 3 wasn't perfect, but it was actually the sort of thing a series as weird and as ambitious as SMT should do when they let one of their sub-series jump a generation (while the main series got dramatically improved with streamlined everything and Devil Summoner got weird and super-classy). 4 was great

Cheer up grandpa

Liking his games doesn't mean they're not problematic.

I think most of the people using them with just cover them in mayonnaise and call it a day.

Learn the secret this mom discovered to power up your zelda game!

It's not that launch titles suck, it's that they are generally kinda 'meh' across the board. Risks won't be taken in design, they want to push out something safe, 'easy' to develop, and something which can be delivered.

This game will probably make my Nostalgia feels burst at the seams. I totally remember going to Kay Bee Toys to pick up Super Mario Bros 3. It was only like $75 too. What a deal! That sure took a lot of lawns mowed, weeds pulled, dishes cleaned, laundry washed, and other assorted chores.

I watched this whole thing and the spurious, completely absurd arguments from a white male point of view made me ill. It would take too long to refute each absurd point (from the idea that whether violence in games impacts society or merely reinforces and reflects it still being insanely worthy) to the idea that the

I haven't watched the video yet (youtube links not watchable at work), but I would say the modern equivalents are no longer the exact copies (a la Ms. Pacman), but more in the vein of the second part of the description: " because female characters then tend to be either defined by their relationship to the male