Buns on the Run

It's probably better that way, a reviewer that played Panzer Dragoon (and likely has very fond memories of the game) might be more inclined to ignore or gloss over elements that aren't good

Unless a direct sequel, playing an older game in a series shouldn't effect how much fun you have playing the game. There's been a lot of reviews of people who have enjoyed PD and Orta in the past and have still panned this title thus far.

Yes, because it's the resolution that makes the game.

The bastards! Let's torch people to the ground to dare ask of us money for their work.

See, this makes more sense now. They're basically saying:

"MGS V has turned out to be really really expensive and has taken a really really long time to develop so we want to sell it for $90, and we also want to start recouping some of our costs sooner rather than later, but market trends won't allow that price point,

I remember poring a lot of time into Ragnarok online with family and friends, I still remember the harrowing journeys between towns, good times.

Wow, 80 classes!

Just WUT.

"I can totally call you a nigga, I have black friends and they're TOTALLY COOL WITH IT."

So I should be overly worried about offending the guy who made a racist joke... and yet, I'm the one who is being challenged for being overly sensitive for pointing out that the joke is problematically based in racial stereotypes.

What's funny about this is that I'm the one being accused of being too sensitive, because I found the joke to be problematically based in stereotype.

Involving race in comedy is not the same thing as being racist while telling jokes.

So you're just saying that "brack friday bunduru" isn't an inaccurate exaggeration. Yeah, okay. I mean, that would make the SLIGHTEST bit of sense if it was "burakku huraidei baanduru," an accurate representation of the phrase using the Japanese syllabary. But no, it doesn't make any sense, and isn't the slightest

Oh, they're not just racist but REALLY racist and sometimes also make people sad, so it's okay.
Also, it's okay to be racist because Stephen Fry said that being offended by a given thing grants no additional rights (this is correct, of course).

This is a broad-strokes stereotype applied to all East Asian races. While you may just mean to say "I'm having a laugh about how funny you sound," what you're also communicating is that you buy into a history of Orientalism and several hundred years of racism. Change my example, then. Not blackface, but if I go up to

Oh, I guess their racism is okay because they're racist on a weekly basis.

Oh, and as for your linguistics argument, I find it hard to believe that you seriously buy into that as an excuse. "Black people really look like that!" doesn't make it acceptable to wear blackface, so I'm not sure why you think that "Japanese people really talk like that!" is an acceptable reason to essentialize,

An intro level course on Area Studies? In which you recieved what in America would be a C, a subpar grade at the undergraduate level? I'm so sorry, I must defer to your obvious expertise!

Sure, but ブ is pronounced more like "boo." The five vowel sounds used in Japanese, transliterated as "a, i, u, e, o," are pronounced along the lines of "ah, ee, oo, eh, oh." If you ever see a U in a word transliterated from Japanese, it's going to be pronounced oo. Second, the way vowel sounds are lengthened in

If I put on blackface and never say the words "black" or "African," it's still a racist caricature based on black stereotypes. If I say "prease to be meeting you, wise and honorabre Amelican!" then it's still racist caricature, with or without the explicit reference to East Asia.