Buns on the Run

Yes. Yes it does.

Am I the only one that finds this racist and unecessary? ):/

brace yourself for disappointment, dawg.

Dead Rising was the reason I got a 360 during the last generation. Then came the RRODs, hardware failures, and the realization that NOBODY outside the US has a 360.

Character: Yuri Lowell

I would eat this.

I feel as though as long as it's relevant to the topic at hand then there shouldn't be the question of "why did you tell them that?". I'm a woman. I have two kids. I play vidya gamez. However, I also comment on a website that is available to lots and lots of people, each with their own opinions, feelings, and

We're all different people with our own biases and perspectives. We don't try to hide our opinions - we just try to be as honest and as fair as possible. I think/hope we do a pretty good job with that!

Spoilers: this week is PS4 launch week, so there will be a shitload of Sony coverage.

Thank you, I was starting to think I was the only one who'd come across this!

I don't think they're french manicured - I'm a girl, those two nails are simply very long, very strong nails. I'm also Mexican, have seen hundreds of pictures like this in newspapers, facebook, tabloids, etc. Don't ask me why, but to keep those two nails long is a common thing in those pictures.

Notice that is just the two nails in just one hand, genius? Coke nails, as someone else said. I can't imagine your white videogaming self will look very threatening ever, but you're welcome to cultivate the coke dealer look if you want.

For you, maybe. Living in Mexico you learn to decode this shit - and nails like that speak trouble for me. I wouldn't immediately say "cartel member" but I don't think I'd trust him.

My issue was that it pretty much made Connor almost directly responsible for all the major events of the Revolutionary War. It was so annoying to me.

Oh no, I agree with you. Like I said, I'm reserving FINAL judgement for when the game explains to me why a military woman's gear consists of fishnet leggings from a lingerie catalogue and a bikini rather than...you know...military gear.

I do hope that in the game that'll be the standard uniform for all of the snipers.

He didn't say 'can't vote.' He said 'can't voice an opinion.'

Right? All he needed to do was make her barefoot and only appear in the Kitchen Level and we'd be set.

I can't wait to play the game to find out his "totally deep and understandable reasoning" behind this...

Wait wait, hold up. He made a nearly naked female character and called her 'Quiet'? So many layers of wrong...

Good job they announced trails in the sky 2 coming to PSP and steam soon then isn't it.