Buns on the Run

Oh yeah forgot about that shirt , the clothing in Resonance of Fate was fantastic. Also if I am not mistaken on the PS3 version were there not some clothes actually designed by real life clothing designers?

It gets so little credit that even people who want to give it credit can't get the name right! ;) (It's Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre)

And again, I made it past a near 11 hour tutorial. I have patience. But the point wasn't that I couldn't wait, my point was that I just found the game to be lacking, period. The plot was ok but I liked FF12's better, and that needed improvement as well.

What's this? A collector's edition for ants?

Reading is serious biz.

Did you even read the article? It has both the English AND Japanese voice tracks.


Listen man, real talk, the ONLY reason why I bhrought X-2 was to fucking magical girl change clothes, that's it, that's the story.

Here are my reactions in this order of how excited I am for this game and my hype meter.

I was considering myself safe from buying this game until this very moment.

"rape culture" are the shitheads that try to blame the victim in every rape or to downplay the significance of the assault. Attacking the character of the victim, making excuses for the rapist, or attempting to quiet the whole thing.

LOL, good one.

Actually it's not a reworking of noppera-bo but another seperate creature from Japanese mythology:

I can't get behind that concept, it'll be the butt of too many jokes.

Oh my. Oh me. Oh myyyy...

Brokeback Mountain 2: Valhalla Rising

You assault someone with a gun and then you're justified in using it if the person fights back? Seems fair.

Wake up in the morning, put on your do-rag, look in the mirror and say to yourself, "Does it cover my left eyebrow completely, but not my right? Is my face now asymmetrically smooshed, and do I look brain damaged?

I bet her powers only work half the time, and when they do, they're really slow.

Or, you could be someone who never cared about any of that in the first place, still won't, and enjoy 'fake' consoles like the Wii and DS...