Buns on the Run

"Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality"

Still won't make the game as good as the original Tales of Symphonia, sadly.

Maybe I'm just old, but when did stupidest become a word? We were taught to say "most stupid". Not that I care too much...just an interesting observation.

Don't get me started. I was singing the Sins of Our Fathers outloud to myself this past Saturday to annoy my girlfriend. Her father cames into the kitchen and thought I was crazy only to find him doing the WAAAAAAAOOOHHHHHHHHHHH a couple minutes later.

Dead Rising: Case Zero says Hai!

If you really think Ground Zeroes is a "demo", you clearly haven't played MGS enough to know it's integral to the story and will take some time to play.

1. it's his money so who cares

For the people who hasn't been paying attention to MGS5 news (And/or Also didn't read the damn post): Ground Zero is the first part of the game, set several years before the "main Story". It introduces the new mechanics and sets up for the "actual" game. Think Tanker in mgs2 or the first part of MGS3.

Hear hear. The ability to choose a female protag in P3P was definitely stellar. It lent a huge chunk of replayability going through the game again as the opposite gender.

I'm hoping for a choice between a male and female lead again, as in the PSP version of Persona 3. Having played that, then gone on to the man-or-nothing of Persona 4 felt like a step backwards in a game that had improved in almost every other area.

Rap makes my ears bleed

Nah, that's not cynical, that's just being a disk.

OH! So that's what a PewDiePie is! My apologies for being ignorant, I'm not much of a 'netizen', but them 'bronies' had me thinking THIS was a PewDiePie:

Vive la Revolution!

If he is the king, I call for an uprising.

I LOVE this show. People keep talking about how things like Madoka or EVA are deconstruction anime. This? THIS is a true deconstruction anime. It barely uses any of its genre's tropes and instead turns the majority of them on their head.

Now playing

No mention of the soundtrack? It was brilliantly executed; psychedelic and flashy, and it could not have fit better.

Crowds was easily my favorite Anime this year. I loved pretty much everything about it - they used CGI sparingly, they managed to touch a few social issues, the characters are all together absolutely awesome and had a surprising amount of depth, while at the same time avoiding stereotypes.

I'm pretty sure originally it was supposed to be out for the holiday season 2011 or early 2012.

But would would ultimately be most ironic is if none of us were using "ironic" correctly.