Buns on the Run

The PSN version is cut, on all regions I believe. It took me a ton of research and if I recall correctly the UK disc copy and Chinese copies were uncut. Not Japan though. You won't miss out on much if you just get them on PSN, there's just less blood/gore (like when your character is attacked, in the uncut version

"First Silent Hill."

"To that end of redefining horror, we will endeavor to create the most immersive player experience yet. When you purchase our game, you will be required to submit your home address and phone number to us as well. I will pick a customer at random and personally stalk them for several weeks, culminating with me

Weak if you like variety.

One of these sexy motherfrackers:

I'm guessing he's from Joust.

It's not "basically none", because it's billed by the hour. So it's a real cost. Cost of investigation, fix, test, plus considered regression. They look at what they have, look at when they need to be finished, consider the risk/cost, and make the choice.

Isn't that a Biggs? (hehe, some Final Fantasy inside humour :) )

I agree. The game cheats your experience solely for the sake of a surprise ending.

Not only that, but there are numerous scenes where you play as the killer and all his inner thoughts are just "gotta solve the case" and stuff like that - more lying to the player, or simply horrendous writing as nobody would be in character even in their own thoughts.

Yeah, but the game also let me hear the thoughts of these characters throughout the journey. A bit odd I didn't hear a single one from the killer I was playing the whole time.

Didn't the gameplay gave you any hints that you weren't even playing the game?

Heavy rain has easily the worse plot twist ever (SPOILER duh) when the killer is reveled it literally is impossible to guess because the game flat out lies to you because in one scene the reality is actually different from what you played.

There are times when I think the Yakuza games are ghost written by the real Yakuza to romanticize their lifestyle for public consumption.

My (limited) understanding of the Japanese organized crime culture is that there is a heavily promoted self-image of the honorable or chivalrous criminal, and acts of local charity by major groups are not uncommon. Of course, they still quietly engage in illegal and sometimes violent behavior, but it's typically kept

It was really that surprising move don't it? "One of the first" they said. Can't really imagine if this was some media and yakuza collaboration or the real deal. Either way, it gives you something to think about. Moral Codes and all that.

I remember playing the Sopranos game on the PS2. I think there was this feature

Well, at least as far as the protagonists and their circle of influence goes, they are the 'honorable' types though the rest are rotten thugs and murderers. It's the only way that kind of game sells or else it might be banned in Japan, full stop.

Draws generic sci fi art and labels it as a Akira re-imagining... no thanks.

Seems like a poor decision, really.

The subtext of the game is that he's so busy trying to get in the pants of the woman booking his assassin "matches", he doesn't see that she's playing him like a violin. (i.e. there is no real assassin ranking; she's using some of his own money to hire assassins to kill him and the rest on herself.)