Buns on the Run

heh heh, Shat.

BT haven’t had any integrity here in the UK for about 10 years or so.

Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!

Sorry guy, but it’s Pokemon all the way down.

OK, but think about if there was a person in the real world who required a state-of-the-art prosthetic limb and regular expensive medication to keep it running. They may not have super strength, but anybody with that type of money would be considered quite privileged indeed.

Just like the girls in his games! I wonder if he’ll find the real life experience as romantic as he writes about it.

To Hoping:

and it looks real nice on Vita, too

Oh I absolutely agree with you on that, a lot of that stuff was undeniably messy even at the time. For me personally, there’s a certain kitsch-appeal to it that makes me smile. I’m in my 30s and have been gaming since the mid-80s myself.

I think there’s a certain charm. I play the occasional Playstation horror game/rpg and get fuzzy feelings. I don’t know if I’d want this to be a trend, but I’ve been meaning to try Back in 1995.

The opening scene had sexual violence. Fortunately nothing as grotesque as licking wine off the table, but the very first thing that happens in the opening shot is a woman is dragged by her hair kicking and screaming into a darkened house by a brutish man :\

try reading this guy’s post in the hank hill voice

The additional scene was if you got every single ending; it wasn’t related to any 999 data at all.

Trailer looks sick! And I swear that’s Jordan Reyne singing. I wonder if it is?

I love JRPGs and I hated 3 and 4. The Star Ocean series has always been pretty choppy and sometimes outright hostile to players. 4 was pretty egregious about this. Looks like 5 is much the same as its pedigree.

I managed it! WOARGH! Pretty great.

my vita is my go-to JRPG machine. you’ll love it.

I hated this tubby load when I ran into him in the early game, but last night I was exploring a rooftop late in the game when *two* of them with angel wings elegantly fluttered down and caught me in a pincer attack. I died instantly. I don’t want to go back up there now.

What on earth are you talking about?

One look at the American prison industrial complex will tell you that minorities don’t “get a hug”. Educate yourself before spouting off.