Buns on the Run


Kara no Shoujo 1 shows a close-up of a wet vagina while a woman’s neck is being snapped.

So many JRPGs on my plate right now! Zestiria, Dairy Queen Heroes and Legend of Legacy.

WAH! I didn’t know this was out! I thought there wasn’t even a release date yet! Thanks for the heads up, and great review.

He is going to die. :(

Mario, is that you?

The popular same sex manga couples are solely for hetero titilation :[

I always felt that Falcom were one of the most original creators around. I still love them but I’m kinda disappointed to see them aping Persona here and in Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki.

That’s pretty darn good.

Interesting. I wasn’t aware of that, but I figure they must’ve given him some sort of small severence pay/financial package. Maybe!

Maybe his employment ends on 31st October and he’s taking up his unused vacation days from now until then? I imagine it’s probably that kind of thing.

I’ve always preferred “aficionado”, myself.

Pretty good list, but on the topic of #1, I’d like to defend caring about who publishes your favorite games. No, I’m not coming out in support of the anti-Konami movement, but rather suggesting that it’s healthy to be a discerning consumer. Case in point:

I’ve wanted to play this for so long, but the idea of playing a difficult and obtuse adventure/survival game with a blind-idiot translation always put me off. This is very exciting news.

oh of course they’ve got a gaijin soiling himself in public

Anybody else’s PS4 automatically turning itself back on after powering it off? Every single time? That’s happening to me post-update.