Buns on the Run

Even if a team has a great pedigree and seems trustworthy, that’s not always the case either. Case in point:

Tex Murphy Tesla Effect was. It wasn’t any great shakes, but it was completed and not far off its deadline.

“Lolicon is sick”? Ha ha!

Competitive fighting is one thing. This is another entirely.

I’m sorry but who fucking does this? “I’m going to go to your house and threaten to beat your ass for talking smack at me in an online video game.” Smacks of toxic masculine posturing. I’m glad nobody got hurt, and hopefully Mr. Tough Fighter got the wake up call he deserved.

a 12 year old?

i was going to buy this this week! nice one!

Oh shit. Ludwig.

Any other info besides this splash image?

Vamp struck me as a bit of a gay panic character rather than an object of audience sexual desire. So many scenes functioned as metaphors for him raping Raiden or Snake. No seduction there, just force.

This also works as Jeff Gerstmann and crew

Here’s my friend Nesabi doing some sick Metal Gear cosplay of their own. They’ve done a boss-ass Aigis too,among others, so check her out!

I’m only on mission 18, but I’m very conflicted about the game so far. The mechanics second-to-none; the moment-to-moment gameplay has never been so much fun in this series. But the minimal story, lack of camp and seemingly no fourth-wall breakage have ensured that this probably won’t be my favorite MGS tale. There

From what I’ve read, the Japanese is worse.

Damn, this game looks like Adventure of the Insufferable Douchebag Gang

Doesn’t “no cover” mean “free entry”? Why were they selling tickets?

I may be mistaken, but I interpreted that she meant that they don’t mix in this particular game, not that they never mix.

But this game isn’t Deus Ex.

In true Kojima style?!

Well, I’m not familiar with Conan, so maybe we can share our expertise!