Oh, no, sorry, you’re mistaken about that -- as you can see, it placed at number 13 for the decade. I understand the confusion.
Oh, no, sorry, you’re mistaken about that -- as you can see, it placed at number 13 for the decade. I understand the confusion.
I liked Endgame, but thought it was hot garbage compared to Infinity War. IW was the only MCU movie that had me gripped start to finish.
The MCU is phenomenal series/saga, made of well-crafted, consistent parts. None of which really amount to a decade-best great movie on their own.
I’m not surprised not to see any of those, although I would have liked to see Toy Story 3 or Dunkirk make the cut. But Fury? Are you serious?
I’m really bummed the 90s illustration is missing
What did Newsom see in her?
Deniro in a Scorsese film now has about the same thematic resonance as just Spider-Man’s mask at this point. Effective schtick, but schtick nonetheless.
I find Scorcese’s snobbery here hilarious. That man has beaten the mob movie horse to glue and he thinks the Marvel movies are repetitive and uninspired. Bless. His. Heart.
Do you think they’re just putting their thoughts out there apropo of nothing? People asked them how they felt about it, and they answered. None of them condemned Scorsese, none of them said they think he’s wrong, no one is saying Marvel movies are better than Scorsese’s. They said it was disappointing and maybe he…
Pretty sure Scorsese could get a prestige mob movie starring Pacino, DeNiro, Pesci and Keitel made at any studio, anywhere, ever. (With that said, the amount of time AVClub has wasted on this “controversy,” is absurd. “Older director not that into Marvel movies” is not breaking news.)
I want you to know right now that what you’re doing is body shaming a woman who has always been naturally petite and remains very skinny because she got cancer several years ago and remains on medication for it.
That’s Don Jr’s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle.
Press F to Deadspin Forever.
Thank you. All of you. For everything. I’m so pleased the final Bears post on Deadspin has nothing to do with Trubisky (or Cutler, or Orton, or Henry Burress, or....).
You don’t get to the level he’s at unless you develop past eating shit from a bowl.
It’s the talent, though. Talent, talent, talent.
Thank you, Deadspin, for providing an outlet for open, honest, funny, irreverent, and most importantly unrestrained discussion of the world of, through, and because of sports. I was a reader long before I was a commentator because it was intimidating wading into the comments. The knowledge and insight of the comments…
They spent the last two days making sure that contracted freelancer work got published so that the freelancers themselves got paid. I suspect the video postings are tied to that, as video production is long enough that those were probably in work before the mass resignations.
My humble request for the commentariat: please ungray as many of the gray comments as you can. Everyone should be seen today, unless they are Portnoy bootlickers of course.