
the sooner she figure out supporting them is to be on the wrong side of history, is the better. look at herman cain. he died believing their bullshit.

the world is better for it. i dont care if it’s not related. i just wanted to remind everyone that an evil man is dead from hubris. also, hey, pretty awesome ross spano

Glad you are recapping this show, @Joelle Monique. I very much enjoyed your work on The Watchmen recaps.

Joelle is in the house! Excellent.  And so is Jackie Robinson.

That’s gorgeous.

There’s a bit where I feel like he was a bit of Black Icarus, who loved flying among the elite too much that he believed the sun when it said his melting wings were a liberal hoax.

I wonder if President shitbird will show up at his funeral, after all Mr. Caine showed up at his in Tulsa

2020 just needs to stop. For like five seconds. 

All of the details you just mentioned are fine, and are what you would expect in a big budget game like this. I’m talking about all of the stuff that adds friction to the experience and makes the game feel unnecessarily laborious. Immersion is cool to an extent, but it’s WAY over-valued here, and what makes it more

Improving the culture of a company is a hard thing to do that takes a lot of time. I hope that it works out for all the people on the ground at Rockstar. To make the culture of a company worse, all you really have to do is to start an herb garden.

Jason does it again. His highest profile target yet

Loooool fuck you, you rapey fuck.

I’m into anything that brings Piers Morgan’s head closer to exploding.

That’s not a nice thing to say about Joe Biden.

YUP.  My dad(!) asked me once why women were always competing with each other, and I lit into him about it.  “Um, because our whole lives we’ve been taught there’s just one spot on the team for a woman, and if we want it, we’re going to have to climb over everyone else.”

Speaking of Weaver, I feel like this line is NOT especially clear-eyed about business in the 80s: “...Working Girl runs the risk of...arguing there’s only space for one woman to succeed at a time.”

honestly the best part of this award is that they made her go to europe to get it

Thanks for making it clear to us you are a racist hate monger.

She is spewing hate, that’s it, that is all she’s doing. Any redeeming qualities she might have are drowned out by the vile nature of her beliefs.

I read this post in Wilford Brimley’s voice.

I don’t know why