
Heather, this is my favourite review of yours in a while out of consistently great articles; it’s wonderful and insightful. Tim, I’m only twenty-odd minutes into the hour, but it’s typically playfully elegant and soothing to listen to.

Still the greatest April Fools switcheroo of all time.

I liked Kanye better when he thought he was God.

In many ways, Mitch McConnell is worse than Donald Trump.

That game destroyed them. 

This is the LaVey satanism though. They're not really anything, but trolly. A religion founded on wanting to get laid. 

In other words, a typical cat

The article explains it, that the water level isn’t sufficient to support her, but they’re just doing it to get her used to the water/process. Once she’s acclimated, they do raise the water level.

Nice to see that Deadspin has a dedicated reporter covering the oddball Chinese people beat, which is totally underrepresented in Western media compared to oddball Japan, which has been so covered to death it’s passe.

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Silver lining is that every minute Berry spends ranting about meaningless bullshit is one minute less he can spend sexually harassing Jenn Sterger.

Still suffering major knee damage? Colin Kaepernick. 

Andy Reid should be put in the stockade for having him do that sneak when he already had a bad leg. 

On the next season of Succession...

And I’ll go the same way, god willing.

STEM: Shit Talking English Major!

Now it's Teddy Bridgewine.

How am I suppose to be hungry for a W when I’m filling up on turnovers?

Connor is basically the weirdo libertarian all rich people want to be

The pilot was fairly good but I was absolutely sold on the show in the scene where Greg on the phone explaining that he’s down to his last $20, which Shiv promptly appropriates because she cannot conceive or care that it might leave Greg with absolutely nothing, leading to his note-perfect dismal delivery of uhhhhhh I