
Indeed and I think it’s the rare example of “telling” working as well as “showing.” Cause our impression is “this guy is a fucked up liar telling fucked up lies” which is perfect for the character. 

Didn’t they lean into the indeterminate backstory too? It’s been a while, but at one point Heath-Joker tells this horrific tale of how as a child his abusive father carved that smile into his face with a knife, and you think “Oh, how sad and how understandable how he turned out, what a pity...”, except 15 minutes

Ledger’s portrayal is iconic but he was also served by the writing that didn’t make him blather about his backstory. He was less a character then a concept - like Tyler Durden. But that served The Dark Knight well because the movie was already overstuffed with other characters (Dent, Gordon, Rachel Dawes, Lucius Fox,

His critiques aren’t stopping anyone making any movie. We all react to trailers, that’s what their purpose is for.

Gritty PG-13 Joker:

It’s already fucked up - because it has no purpose in existing. This entire thing looks _exactly_ like any of a thousand other “poor shlub goes nuts and becomes a bad guy”, with the single difference being that we know what this particular bad guy does _after_ this movie.

I still don’t understand why this movie exists. If there is no Batman, will this movie simply be a generic serial killer movie where the serial killer dresses up like a clown?

Yo, I hear you BUT....What if the Joker was really all the friends we made along the way?

Hear me out - a Godzilla origin story where he spends the first half as a normal but tormented iguana who spends a lot of time wandering around talking to himself. There are no other monsters in the movie.

Back stories ruin the magic of characters. It’s why no one wanted Solo - we didn’t need to know what Han Solo was like in his 20s, or what he was up to. Part of the Joker’s mystique is not knowing what the hell happened to make him him.

Classic Hotep of The Greys is classic. You have a nice day LaTron.

So there are cures to all these diseases and some big-shot like STEVE JOBS dies from the same cancer that took my grandmother?

The amount of Hotep and Hotep-adjacent theories surrounding Nipsey’s death approaches a dangerous level. On the one hand, he was putting his money where his mouth was, and doing what he could to improve his community, but he was still about that gang life (or repping ties to it). That we lost another artist, and human

They want black people to pay attention to them with their white tears, that’s all they want, attention, they weren’t getting that shit at home so they have to make it someone else problem to look at them.

Question for the racist fucks who keep polluting this and most of the other threads on this website: If you hate Black people so much, why do you spend time you will never get back on a website in which most of the writers and commentators are Black? Why do you, as grown adults with the freedom of choice, habitually

They do... with a canned response within minutes of the article dropping. This reeks of guilt. 

1. The

Again Jason comes out swinging with a really strong investigative piece.

Shame BioWare doesn’t seem to agree.

Tony: Do you trust me?

I don’t know what’s confusing about it. Ru literally spelled out the fact that the first two looks were brought, and that the third was to be constructed. This has been the case for ten seasons, lol.