
I always try and show physical restraint because I feel like violence is more cathartic than productive but Looooooord would this have been a test of my convictions.

It also wasn’t super clear in the story but it sounds like the teacher was male? If so, he needs to be investigated for abuse against any women at his

Judge: Robert Kraft, do you understand the charge against you?

This sounds terrifying. She’s had her final surgery, which is what they likely would’ve used as a reason if she hadn’t. Aside from creating severe depression, panic attacks and a constant fear of harm, are they actively trying to get her killed?/kill her?

Don’t listen to this guy. He’s a racist white troll, look at his post history.

He was on here saying even if Jussie lied, he did a good thing and we should cover it up.  He keeps changing his screen name.

You’d be surprised how many well-meaning “liberals” I know that are now questioning if hate crimes are really as bad as everyone says they are because of this stunt. It’s not just the thick-skulled assholes spewing that false flag bullshit.

Clearly he’s never been to a Knicks game. 

This is the era of Marie Antoinettes.

Fire them into the fucking sun.

And now I am trying not to cry at my desk on a Friday morning. 

I must say when I saw the Robin interview and he said they yelled “Empire” at him and he ignore them. He said something like “I don’t respond to Empire” and I thought , really? You’re a young c or d list actor and you don’t respond when someone yells the name of your show. Seriously, that one comment made me give him

I had a feeling from the outset he was making this up, as soon as the “this is MAGA country,” line from his story came out. Not because I believe that Chicago isn’t racist or not MAGA country or anything, but because it sounded like a hacky network tv writing. It just sounded lazy.

Avocados were introduced all over Latin America and the Caribbean in the earliest days of European exploration—they now grow all over, and are, and have always been, dirt cheap due to their ubiquity.

It isn’t bad. No real issue with it. But I’ve noticed it certainly has a “type.”

Remember in the Book of Matthew, when one of the apostles asked Jesus, “But will I ascend to heaven?”

Great ep, easily the best yet - but if that’s where this series peaks, it’s still going to be a great ride if everything keeps consistent with what came before.
Also credit where credit is due, that may have been one of the most fun drug trips put on film or TV, though maybe just a little too long? I love that they

Michel Duval was one of the most charismatic performers on the show

Ok let me try to educate you. Most of the students are there because of who there parents are/were. Kids who come from wealth and/or criminal notoriety. That’s why Billy and Petra are there. Billy’s dad is tied to the mob, and Petra’s parents were infamous cult members.

How else are you supposed to ferry your sleeping child down The Strip at 2 AM with two fists of yard long cocktails, if not with a stroller?

My son’s in first grade and there is a classmate whose mom carries him everywhere. She’s petite and he’s not a peanut; his feet dangle past her knees. She carries him from the bus, she carries him to the bus, he sits on top of her on the bus. I thought maybe he had some kind of mobility challenge but them I saw him at

Really? My girls are sizable and small babies will often start rooting around when I hold them if they are hungry.