
Yes, that is a perfectly reasonable and thoughtful response to a snarky comment made on a blog posting that typically includes pooping and masturbation (sometimes at the same time).

And in the stripedness bind them...

Me: [Gets haircut]
Kid: [Confused] “Daddy, you don’t have hair.
Me: “And neither will you, you little shit.

It’s still the Gruden Hotline.

I can’t remember when the addition of one single player have made such a marked difference in a team than the Bears getting Khalil. The Bears look absolutely terrifying on defense. Mack cannot be blocked. He has unlocked Floyd, Hicks and everyone else on the front 7.

I think it’s pretty ignorant to begrudge any dollar NFL players can get from the shitbags who own these teams before they’re cast aside to live out their likely shortened lives with a laundry list of medical problems.

She is no doubt behind his erratic change in behavior...

Apple was a massively profitable company with no debt, incredible financials and a deep pool of executive talent who could step in on day one and take over.

I mean Musk did make it super, super easy for them-- no complex analysis of projections or forensic accounting needed-- just openly goosing his company’s stock price by making false claims on a public forum-- it’s both easy to prove and perhaps more importantly from the POV of an SEC which hates to lose cases-- easy

The flaw with that is a good CEO will figure out the financial side of things and Tesla will grow and develop products at the same rate as other manufacurers, which swiftly breaks up the appeal of a Tesla to the select audience.

If she wasn’t such a demur woman; if she had presented herself hostile in the slightest they would have a different story to tell. None of them have said they don’t believe her - or at least that SHE believes it. This is the reason they didn’t want her and others to testify; why they didn’t want to do the additional

“More like the Pedos Exchange Commission!”

My bad, this isn’t directed to your piece at all, but more so to other commenters and readers (the first comment I read was one such joke). 

Stop telling people about oxtails. The hipsters already discovered them and they already cost too much.

Yes! The challenge flag throw was awesome! I think it should become a part of some sort of coach-inspired ‘Punt, Pass & Kick’-like competition held the day before the ProBowl. It’d get better ratings.

I thought we agreed he beat off in the shower. 

At what time does he assault an immigrant?

Or he could start Jameis and let Khalil Mack and the Bears defense solve the problem for him. 

*in an inexplicably continued rigor mortis, both thumbs are up*.

LOL, maybe! I dropped the dollhouse tweezers once and felt a sting on my foot. Looked down and was amazed to see that the tweezers had landed point down (and then bounced off) and their literally needle sharp points left two perfect dots of blood on my middle toe about a half inch apart. Was so in awe of the