
Are you my clone? Word for word, I have the same situation. Miniatures to bong tools...

That better not be true, because it makes me like Belichick a little bit.

Ron Rivera wears the same stupid polo every single week and benched Cam for wearing an ascot instead of a tie on the team plane. NFL coaches are the dumbest fuckers alive. 

Financial crisis actors!!!

Who the hell let the RWNJ troll out of the greys?

what the fuck

The way the oversized head folds down....I'm dead now.

This video is torturing me. I’m not important or senior enough at my company to be laughing out loud for minutes at a time, but stifling the laugh is killing the neck and shoulder muscles I strained during my workout yesterday.


Bye, son.

Internet Genius Invents Self-Hoisting Petard

When it comes to the proud game of Racism, that Old White Guys team is a hulking superbeast. And their roster is just... absolutely stacked.  Even their prospects pool is unfathomably deep.  They’re dedicated to the product on the field, bah gawd.

Using the words ‘bong’ and ‘Weeden’ in the same sentence...nice touch.

That GIF! It’s a twelve yard completion for -5 yards. That’s incredible.

Oh this is so gold!  The Bills are so dysfunctional players rather retire mid-game instead of at the end of the season.  Also, McDermott is clearly in over his head.  Remember, these are his players as he culled the bulk of Whaley’s. Now he can’t coach them up because he’s not head-coaching material.

At the moment, he toils for free.

If only the Texan’s were as defensive as their coach, they might’ve won.

Let’s look at this with some context. The French Open just changed it’s dress code rules because they didn’t like her outfit. Another female player was penalized unfairly at this tournament for briefly taking her shirt off (with a sports bra underneath) because she had it in backwards. Serena is the greatest female

I’m looking at that coaches hand gestures, and 99% of line judges would’ve let that go.
You make it seem like the coach was doing some sort of baseball hand signal. The judge is being a dick, and I can only assume he’s your dad because you clearly have some personal animosity against Serena.